News & Events

Meetings in the field of microcirculation and vascular biology & medicine
Please notify us about any events which you would like to appear on this webpage! Also National Society Meetings can be included! contact the Communication Officer, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

ESM 2021 On-line Meeting 27th May

The biennial ESM General Assembly preceded the ESM2021 On-line meeting and was attended by a record number of 122 members! ESM2021 was a huge success, with more than 300 registrants from 17 countries including the USA and Canada. Our two plenary speakers Markus Sperandio and Joanna Kalucka gave inspiring presentations and the parallel sessions for the short oral presentations were terrific, with impressive science and lively discussions. The meeting abstracts will be published in a supplement of the Journal of Vascular Research in due course.

We thank all who participated and contributed to this really excellent meeting!

Oral Presentation Awards

Angiogenesis Session: Maria P. Kotini, University of Basel
Vinculin controls endothelial cell junction dynamics during vascular lumen formation

Microcirculation - Clinical Session: Monica Gamez, University of Bristol
Heparan Sulfate Contributes To Maintenance Of Vascular Permeability In The Retina and Can Be Therapeutically Targeted in Diabetes

Inflammation Session: Attila Rutai, University of Szeged
Methane treatment improves microcirculation and mitochondrial function and reduces organ dysfunction in a large animal model of sepsis

Microcirculation - Experimental Session: Réka Tóth, University of Szeged
Astrocyte Ca2+ waves and subsequent non-synchronized Ca2+ oscillations coincide with arteriole diameter changes in response to spreading depolarization

New Methods Session: Juma El-Awaisi, University of Birmingham
Intravital investigations of the role of IL-36 in mediating age and gender specific changes in the injured beating heart coronary microcirculation

Endothelial Cells and Pericytes Session: Valeria Mastrullo, University of Surrey
On the vasculature circadian clock and its effect on endothelial/cell/pericyte interaction

For more information please check the meeting website.

ESM 2021 On-line Meeting 27th May

This one-day on-line meeting replaces the ESM2021 Aarhus, Denmark 4 day meeting (postponed until April 2023) due to the global coronavirus pandemic. The ESM Executive Committee and the Aarhus meeting organizing team acknowledged the importance of maintaining the visibility of the society and to encourage interactions with our European colleagues, resulting in the organization of this virtual event. The meeting will consist of two plenary speakers and 12 short oral presentations selected from the submitted abstracts, with a focus on presentations from our Early Career Researchers if possible. We have also included time for breakout discussion sessions both with a thematic focus (if possible) and for social interaction.

Date and Time: Thursday 27th May 2021; 9.15am-5.00pm CEST / 8.15am - 4.00pm BST
Abstract Deadline is 15th March 5pm CET (abstract instructions)
Registration is FREE
Download the Announcement and the Flyer

For more information please check the meeting website.


Four Junior Group Leader Positions in Angioscience and Cardioscience

Embedded in the Innovation Campus Rhein-Neckar, the two Medical Schools of Heidelberg University have joined forces to coordinate and substantially expand their cardiovascular research activities in the emerging fields of AngioScience and CardioScience. Supported by start-up funds from the State of Baden-Württemberg, we now have openings for


to be filled ASAP. We are looking for well-trained and outstandingly accomplished early career scientists (i.e., MD, PhD or MD/PhD plus 2 to 6 years of postdoctoral training) ready to start their own lab and the adventurous journey into an independent scientific career. In AngioScience, we are looking – in the broadest possible sense – for candidates interested in the life cycle of a vasculature from angiogenesis to organotypic vessel maturation, maintenance of quiescence, homeostasis, pruning, regression, aging as well as vascular control mechanisms of organ function in health and disease. With an equally broad approach, we aim in CardioScience at unraveling fundamental principles of molecular circuits in cardiac homeostasis and disease in order to pave the way for causative therapeutic intervention. Candidates with a clear vision and mission for big questions, innovative ideas and ambitious goals are welcome to apply.

Each position will come with start-up funds covering the salary of the PI, 2 PhD students, 1 technician and consumables. Support to secure additional extramural funds will be provided. The 4 groups will form an incubator embedded in the highly dynamic research infrastructure of the European Center for Angioscience (ECAS) and the Institute of Experimental Cardiology of the Mannheim and Heidelberg Medical Campus of Heidelberg University.

Please send your application including CV, research plan and references at your earliest convenience, but not later than May 15, 2021 to Prof. Hellmut Augustin at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and Prof. Johannes Backs at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. . A hybrid format recruitment symposium will be held in early June 2021.

The information is summarized in this document.

The Medical Faculty Mannheim at Heidelberg University seeks to appoint as soon as possible a


The successful candidate will represent the entire field of Basic Mechanisms of Metabolic Diseases in research, education and training. He/she will be appointed chairperson of the Department of Basic Mechanisms of Metabolic Diseases at the European Center for Angioscience (ECAS).

The Medical Faculty Mannheim seeks an internationally renowned scientist and teacher, who supports and further develops the research focus Vascular Biology and Medicine with its profile research area “Vascular Control of Organ Function and Disease Pathogenesis”. The successful candidate should therefore have a research focus in the area of organ-specific metabolism of cells and tissues in the interplay with the organ-specific vasculature and/or in molecular, biochemical, and vascular mechanisms and pathomechanisms of the metabolic syndrome including obesity, metabolism of muscle and adipose tissue, lipid metabolism, pre-diabetes/ diabetes, atherosclerosis, and fatty liver disease (NAFLD/NASH).

On a scientific level, the successful applicant should actively engage in shaping the European Center for Angioscience (ECAS) with its preclinical and clinical professorships in vascular biology and cardiovascular medicine. The establishment of active collaborations with the Center of Preventive Medicine und Digitale Health Baden-Württemberg (CPD-BW) is expected. We also expect active participation in joint research projects such as Collaborative Research Center CRC1366 “Vascular Control of Organ Function” (, as well as readiness to invest time and effort in raising extramural funding for novel collaborative research projects. The successful candidate should participate intensively in the design and implementation of teaching within the MaReCuM model medical degree curriculum.

Applicants should have acquired a university degree, a doctoral degree, and additional academic achievements that in accordance with § 47.2 of the Landeshochschulgesetz Baden-Württemberg should be demonstrated by a Habilitation, a successfully evaluated junior professorship or comparable qualifications. An international reputation in basic and translational research, as well as didactic competence is expected. Candidates should also evince intellectual leadership and impact on the field as well as commitment to the further development of the MaReCuM study program and engagement in academic self-governance. Applications of natural as well as of physician scientists are equally welcome.

The position is available permanently. If general civil servant eligibility and budgetary conditions are fulfilled, direct appointment to permanent civil servant status can be made.

Applications containing the documents are to be found in the application guide, together with the application form for W3 professorships (see Berufung) should be submitted until April 28th, 2021 to Prof. Dr. med. Sergij Goerdt, Dean of the Medical Faculty Mannheim, Heidelberg University, Universitätsmedizin Mannheim, 68135 Mannheim.

Heidelberg University stands for equal opportunities and diversity. Qualified female candidates are especially invited to apply. Disabled persons will be given preference if they are equally qualified.

Information on the application process and the collection of personal data is available at

The information is summarized in this document.

Swiss Cardiovascular Biology Intersection On-line Meeting 2021

Dear colleagues,

I am glad to announced the upcoming Cardiovascular Research Meeting 2021 organized by the Intersection Cardiovascular Biology of Life Sciences Switzerland (LS2).

Main facts:

  • The meeting will take place ONLINE on 15 and 17 June
  • Registration is FREE but required here
  • Deadline for abstract submission: 9 May 2021
  • General registration deadline: 13 June 2021


  • The meeting will take place in two afternoons.
  • We have an outstanding list of invited speakers divided into four sessions: Organoïds/iPCS; Cardiac Physiology; Gender Difference; Vascular Signaling/Repair/Tissue Engineering
  • The program will include 16 short talks selected from abstracts.
  • We have prizes for the best and second-best presentation.

See the full program and details on the meeting website. (Program in PDF)
We are looking forward to seeing you online.

Best regards,

Elena Osto (Vice President)
Andrea Banfi (President)
Intersection Cardiovascular Biology of Life Sciences Switzerland (LS2)

ESM Newsletter 1/2021

Dear members of the European Society for Microcirculation, dear colleagues,

Please find attached the newsletter 1-2021 to highlight ongoing and future activities of the ESM and its national societies.

We are glad to welcome new members of our ESM Strategy Committee in our team and would like to include in the next issues of our newsletter also the presentation of new members, featured labs, recent articles etc. If you would like to contribute to these new features, do not hesitate to contact us. The e-mails are on our website:

In addition, we would be grateful, if you could support us to establish a presence of the ESM on selected social media platforms. We suggest initially Twitter and Linkedin as platforms for our society. In this context, we would like to appoint young/young at heart Social Media Experts/Ambassadors who wish to post news from our society on a regular manner.

We would be glad, if you could send us your feedback, whether you or your young colleagues would be willing to participate and how do you would envision the presence of our society on online/social media platforms in the future.

We are looking forward to your response.

Best regards, also from the whole ESM team, and wishing you all a very Happy Easter,



ESM 2021 Online Meeting, 27th May 2021

EVBO/ESM Summer School, 13-15 July 2021

71st Annual British Microcirculation and Vascular Biology Society Conference, 15th and 16th April 2021

First Announcement for the Joint Dutch German Vascular Biology Meeting, 3-5 November 2021

Journal of Vascular Research


Additional information