News & Events
Meetings in the field of microcirculation and vascular biology & medicine
Please notify us about any events which you would like to appear on this webpage! Also National Society Meetings can be included! contact the Communication Officer, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Senior Post-Doc and a Research Technician positions
Senior Post-Doc and a Research Technician positions open in Elena Osto's lab at the Department Physiology and Pathophysiology, Medical University of Graz, Austria
Details in the following PDF files:
Senior Scientist Post-Doc >>
Research Technician >>
Senior Scientist Post-Doc >>
Post-Doc position >>
Post-Doc position >>
Application Closing Dates: end of June (!)
Aarhus, Denmark, 24-27 April 2023
ESM Congress Programme (in PDF)
It is with great pleasure that we invite you to the biannual meeting of the European Society for Microcirculation in Aarhus, 24-27 April 2023.
The importance of the microcirculation is continually being highlighted and is receiving more attention due to the key role of small vessels in many pathological conditions than was appreciated a few years back. Examples of these conditions are impaired cognitive function and some forms of ischemic heart disease especially in women. In addition, the microcirculation is important for many other conditions, where new information is constantly being made available. We feel, therefore, that microcirculation research will receive increased recognition in the coming years.
The organizing committee is making every effort to arrange a great meeting with quality presentations, ample time for discussion and professional and social interactions.
Come and be inspired by colleagues studying microcirculation from many different perspectives in Aarhus in 2023!
More details including the preliminary programme, registration and abstract submission details (deadline 15th January 2023) can be found on the conference webpage:
Awards available associated with the Congress.
We hope to meet you all in Aarhus!
Best wishes ESM Meeting Organising Team
ESM2023 Aarhus 24th-27th April - Early Bird Registration and Travel Awards
The deadline for Early Bird Registration for the Aarhus Meeting is 20th February at 23:59 hours CET ( Please do not forget to register if you wish to take advantage of this reduced registration fee, Ordinary Members 420€ and Student Members 175€ (up to 3 years post PhD) . Registration is 520€/225€ after 20th February. The final programme will be available in the next few days including oral and poster presentations from the submitted abstracts.
The following Travel Awards are available for Early Career Investigators - deadline for application 28th February 2023.
Congress Travel Awards for Early Career Investigators
Early career scientists (student or less than 8 years postdoctoral experience) who are members of ESM may apply for a travel award of 500 Euro (5 awards are available), which will support travel and accommodation costs. Travel awards will be given on the basis of the quality of the submitted abstracts.
International Congress Travel Awards for Early Career Investigators from low and middle-income countries
Early career scientists (student or less than 8 years postdoctoral experience) who are members of ESM may apply for a travel grant of 500 Euro (3 awards are available), which will support travel and accommodation costs. Travel awards will be given on the basis of the quality of the submitted abstracts.
Travel Awards are organized and awarded by the Congress Award Committee and applications (cv and submitted abstract) should be sent to the Secretary General Professor Henning Morawietz via email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
We hope to meet you all in Aarhus.
Best wishes form the Organising Committee and the ESM Executive Committee
Newsletter from ESM working group Retina-SEARCH
Please find attached a newsletter from our ESM working group Retinal Microvascular Research (Retina-SEARCH).
We hope to see you all at the ESM conference in Aarhus, Denmark next April.
Deadline for abstracts is 15 Jan.
Season`s Greetings and a Happy New Year to all of you.
Best wishes,
Boy Houben, chair
Henner Hanssen, chair-elect
Lukas Streese, young community & social media