The business of the Society is conducted by an Executive Committee comprising:
- The President (elected two years in advance of main biennial conference)
- The immediate Past President (President of the last conference)
- The President-Designate (nominated by the Executive Committee)
- The General Secretary (proposed by the Executive Committee, six-year term, renewable)
- The Treasurer (proposed by the Executive Committee, six-year term, renewable)
- The Communication Officer (proposed by the Executive Committee, six-year term)
- The Editor(s) (appointed by the Executive Committee in consultation with the publisher; responsible for publication of Proceedings, Abstracts, a.s.o.)
- The Non-professorial representative (selected from the membership and proposed by the committee, thee-year term, renewable)
- The National Representatives of constituent national societies elected by those societies (tenure of office should not exceed six years unless the Delegate is reappointed)
To merit a place in the Executive Committee, a national society should have at least 10 current members of the European Society.
The Executive Committee meets just before the major meetings of the Society and reports to the Society at the Business Meeting held during the conference. The constitution and rules can only be altered at the General Business Meeting of the Society held during a conference.
Other sub-committees include:
- Strategy Committee
- Editorial Board Committee
- Award Committees
Members are invited to communicate their views about society matters or items they would like to be raised at the Executive Committee or Business Meeting of the Society to their national representatives, the President or the General Secretary