News & Events

Meetings in the field of microcirculation and vascular biology & medicine
Please notify us about any events which you would like to appear on this webpage! Also National Society Meetings can be included! contact the Communication Officer, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Hermann Rein Award 2018

Servier Award for Microcirculation

The German Society for Microcirculation and Vascular Biology invites scientists to apply for the Hermann Rein Award for excellent contributions to the field of experimental and clinical research in microcirculation and vascular biology sponsored by Servier Deutschland GmbH.

This prize of 2.000 € will be awarded at the upcoming Second Joint Meeting between the German Society for Microcirculation and Vascular Biology and the Dutch Endothelial Biology Society & Dutch Society for Microcirculation held 21-23 November 2018 in Amsterdam. The awardee will be chosen by a panel of referees from three selected finalists, which present their work in a special Hermann Rein Award session at the meeting.

We accept individual applications and nominations by colleagues.
All applications should be sent by email until July 15, 2018 to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Documents for individual application:
- One original research paper published or accepted for publication (pdf file) as single or first author (written consent of co-authors is necessary).
- If an excellent study has been published by equal contribution of 2 scientists, a joint application is possible.
- The date of publication should not be more than 2 years before the application deadline.
- CV, areas of research, publication list (pdf file).

If the potential awardee is nominated by colleagues (nominations should include author(s) and article), the corresponding documents will be requested by the award committee from the suggested candidates.

more details >>

Social media trainee competition

Dear ILCM Members

Please share the following information with your trainees and with your colleagues so they may share it with their trainees. We would like trainees to post the WCM conference poster (attached) and then using their Facebook and or Twitter feeds collect shares/likes and retweets with the @WCM2018 or #WCM2018 tags. The most shares/like and retweets will win an Apple TV box!

Thank you for your help with spreading the word! Please also post the poster and share where you can, and forward to your societies.

The WCM Organizing Committee has just extended the abstract submission deadline to June 1. The social media trainee competition is still ongoing during this time too!


ESM Travel Award for Young Investigators to attend 11th World Congress for Microcirculation (WCM) 2018

Applications should be submitted to Akos Koller, Secretary General of ESM (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ) by 6th July 2018.

ESM has allocated two Travel Awards of €400.00 each for young investigators (graduate students, postdoctoral researchers up to 8 years post-PhD,) to attend the World Congress for Microcirculation, 9th – 13th September 2018, being held at the Sheraton Wall Centre in Vancouver, BC, Canada.

Details >>

WCM 2018 - Early Bird Registration Ends Soon!

We cordially invite you and your colleagues in the European Society for Microcirculation to the 11th World Congress for Microcirculation being held in Vancouver BC Canada September 9th – 13th, 2018. The congress brings together leading researchers and trainees to share the latest discoveries and advances in microvascular physiology, pathophysiology, and therapeutic interventions. We expect rich discussions of the microcirculation and how disease progression is intimately tied to microcirculatory dysfunction.

The WCM2018 is the only research forum that brings together investigators from around the world to advance an understanding of microcirculatory biology in normal and diseased tissues. Major contributors to the field will be overwhelmingly in attendance, thus ensuring that the presentations and discussions include the most significant developments in the field. Our meeting schedule is designed to support collegial interactions within a research area that spans genetics, cell and molecular biology, biological physics and engineering, animal physiology, and human experimentation and translation. This environment of open exchange is expected to foster the academic development of young investigators, women and minorities and help create collaborative ties with industry.

The full program, speaker list and biographies are available online at Keynote speakers Dr Sussan Nourshargh and Dr David Kleinfeld headline this multifaceted research congress. The theme is “Microcirculation in health and disease: Emerging research and technologies” and cover the following general topics:
  - Angiogenesis & Remodeling
  - Bioengineering, Computation and Instrumentation
  - Imaging of the microcirculation
  - Inflammation, injury, stress and immunology
  - Lymphatics, cell surface and permeability
  - Tone, blood flow, and oxygen
  - And Emerging areas

Early bird registration is now open until March 30. With rates scheduled to rise on March 31, we encourage you to register today! There is a $100 US accommodation credit for all delegates who stay at the conference hotel. Trainee rates have been subsidized to encourage young investigator participation.
You are welcome to submit abstracts at this time too. The program has been arranged for the selection of abstracts to be included in the oral presentations. Abstracts selected for the oral program will also be included in the poster presentations. Young investigators will be involved in a poster competition with 5 prizes awarded per day.
Accommodation reservations are encouraged due to limited availability – reduced rates have been negotiated across all room categories. Trainees can arrange to share a double room. A deposit is required with full payment a month prior to the congress.
As part of the event, we will host society awards and have designed 3 “Catalyst” forums which will be stakeholder engagement events. A trainee social and 2 trainee career development events provide additional trainee engagement opportunities.
A speaker list and program are attached for you information.

We look forward to seeing you in Vancouver!

Don Welsh
Chair, WCM2018 Local Organizing Committee

1st ESM/EVBO Summer School

Dear colleagues,

It is a great pleasure to invite you to the 1st Summer School of the European Society for Microcirculation (ESM) and the European Vascular Biology Organization (EVBO) from July 1-5, 2018 in Dresden, Germany!

Microcirculation and vascular biology play a central role in cardiovascular development, function and diseases. The ESM and the EVBO want to support young investigators by establishing a Joint Summer School in the years between the Joint European Congresses. The 1st Summer School was announced at the Joint Meeting of the ESM and the EVBO in Geneva and will take place in Dresden, Germany. The programme will be supported by the ESM, the EVBO and the TransCampus of TU Dresden and King’s College London. The programme of the Summer School will include method courses, renowned experts in the field as invited speakers and poster presentations by young investigators selected from the submitted abstracts.

We want to attract mainly early researchers (PhD and MD students in the first three years of their research) plus a few more experienced researchers whose PhD was obtained within the last 2 years. Students from around Europe who are interested to participate can send us an abstract summarizing their project via e-mail to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (deadline: April 15, 2018). The 30 participants will be selected by peer-review.

In addition, the city of art, culture, and science Dresden offers a variety of cultural highlights like the Church of Our Lady (Frauenkirche), Royal Palace, Zwinger, Semper Opera House, Albertinum, Elbe castles, or the ‘Blue Wonder’ bridge. We plan an attractive social programme including a Get-together, an evening at the City Beach and an excursion to the national park Saxon Switzerland.

We will be very pleased to welcome you in Dresden in July 2018!

Best regards,

Henning Morawietz              Richard Siow
    TU Dresden                King’s College London

Further information can be found at:

Call for symposia for the 2019 ESM-EVBO meeting (deadline is March 23)

Dear ESM and EVBO Members, national representatives, and colleagues,

We invite you to send symposia proposals for the 2019 joint ESM-EVBO meeting in Maastricht. Proposals should be sent to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. using the attached form.
The deadline for submitting a symposium proposal: March 23rd, 2018.
The Scientific Committee, including ESM and EVBO representatives, will rank the submitted proposals and make a final selection.

More details  >>

Additional information