ESM 2021 On-line Meeting 27th May
The biennial ESM General Assembly preceded the ESM2021 On-line meeting and was attended by a record number of 122 members! ESM2021 was a huge success, with more than 300 registrants from 17 countries including the USA and Canada. Our two plenary speakers Markus Sperandio and Joanna Kalucka gave inspiring presentations and the parallel sessions for the short oral presentations were terrific, with impressive science and lively discussions. The meeting abstracts will be published in a supplement of the Journal of Vascular Research in due course.
We thank all who participated and contributed to this really excellent meeting!
Oral Presentation Awards
Angiogenesis Session: Maria P. Kotini, University of Basel
Vinculin controls endothelial cell junction dynamics during vascular lumen formation
Microcirculation - Clinical Session: Monica Gamez, University of Bristol
Heparan Sulfate Contributes To Maintenance Of Vascular Permeability In The Retina and Can Be Therapeutically Targeted in Diabetes
Inflammation Session: Attila Rutai, University of Szeged
Methane treatment improves microcirculation and mitochondrial function and reduces organ dysfunction in a large animal model of sepsis
Microcirculation - Experimental Session: Réka Tóth, University of Szeged
Astrocyte Ca2+ waves and subsequent non-synchronized Ca2+ oscillations coincide with arteriole diameter changes in response to spreading depolarization
New Methods Session: Juma El-Awaisi, University of Birmingham
Intravital investigations of the role of IL-36 in mediating age and gender specific changes in the injured beating heart coronary microcirculation
Endothelial Cells and Pericytes Session: Valeria Mastrullo, University of Surrey
On the vasculature circadian clock and its effect on endothelial/cell/pericyte interaction
For more information please check the meeting website.