PhD position(s)
The dept. of Internal Medicine of Maastricht University Medical Center is looking for a PhD-student within an Innovative Training Network (ITN) funded by the European Commission. This network is named MINDSHIFT (Mechanistic Integration of vascular aND endocrine pathways for Subtyping Hypertension: an Innovative network approach for Future generation research Training).
In the project Metabolic drivers of hypertension: focus on the microcirculation, the candidate will identify circulating metabolic drivers of obesity-associated microcirculatory dysfunction and hypertension. A comprehensive analysis of detailed metabolic information will be instrumental in the metabolic and endocrine subtyping of overweight/obese, hypertensive patients. The candidate will use data of The Maastricht Study, a deep-phenotyped, population-based cohort that is enriched for individuals with type 2 diabetes.
This project is supervised by Prof. C.Stehouwer, Dr. A.Houben, Dr. M.van Greevenbroek. For more information click here, or mail to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
In MINDSHIFT a total of 15 projects have been defined. Please click here for all projects.