Registration for WCM 2018 is open
Meeting Dates: September 9-13, 2018
Meeting Title: 11th World Congress of Microcirculation (WCM2018)
Meeting Place: Sheraton Wall Center, Vancouver, Canada
Information: Website (
Facebook (, Twitter (@WCM2018).
We are pleased to announce the release of early bird registration for the upcoming World Congress for Microcirculation. Early Bird Registration rates are in effect until the end of March: Member rate $625 US, Non-Member $700, Trainee member $350, Trainee non-member $400.
Speakers and chairs of symposia will register using a different link which will be released later this month. The abstract submission site will be released in the next 2-3 weeks.
Accommodation can now be reserved as well with a $300 US deposit. Full payment must be received by August 7. Note that if you stay at the host hotel a $100 US rebate will be applied to your hotel reservation. A variety of rooms are available at reduced rates. If trainees wish to share a twin room, please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to arrange this.
Follow us on social media and help spread the word! Twitter: @WCM2018 or Facebook @2018WCM.