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2010-es publikációk



Farkas Eszter - Bari Ferenc - Obrenovitch TP.
Multi-modal imaging of anoxic depolarization and hemodynamic changes induced by cardiac arrest in the rat cerebral cortex.
Neuroimage. 51(2):734-742, 2010.
Impact factor: 5.739

Mracskó Éva - Hugyecz Marietta - Institóris Ádám - Farkas Eszter - Bari Ferenc
Changes in pro-oxidant and antioxidant enzyme levels during cerebral hypoperfusion in rats.
Brain Res. 19;1321:13-9, 2010.
Impact factor: 2.463

Mracskó Éva - Hugyecz Marietta - Institóris Ádám - Farkas Eszter - Bari Ferenc
Changes in pro-oxidant and antioxidant enzyme levels in chronic cerebral hypoperfusion in rats.
Acta Physiologica Hungarica, Volume: 97  Issue: 1: 123-124, 2010.

Domoki Ferenc - Kis B. - Gáspár T. - Snipes JA. - Bari Ferenc - Busija DW.
Rosuvastatin induces delayed preconditioning against L-glutamate excitotoxicity in cultured cortical neurons.
Neurochem Int. 56(3):404-9, 2010.
Impact factor: 3.541

Domoki Ferenc – Oláh Orsolya – Zimmermann Alíz – Németh István – Tóth-Szűki Valéria – Hugyecz Marietta – Temesvári Péter - Bari Ferenc
Hydrogen is neuroprotective and preserves cerebrovascular reactivity in asphyxiated newborn pigs.
Pediatr. Res. 68: 387-392, 2010.
Impact factor: 2.607

Farkas Eszter - Obrenovitch TP - Bari Ferenc
 Aging and chronic cerebral hypoperfusion alters the evolution of potassium-induced cortical spreading depression (CSD) in rats
Acta Physiologica Hungarica,  97,: 100-101, 2010 .
Impact factor: 0.750
Bari Ferenc – Oláh Orsolya – Németh István - Hugyecz Marietta - Domoki Ferenc
Inhalation of Hydrogen Gas Protects Cerebrovascular Reactivity Against Moderate but Not Severe Perinatal Hypoxic Injury in Newborn Piglets
Stroke   Volume: 41   Issue: 4; 323, 2010.
Impact factor: 7.041
Lenti Laura - Domoki Ferenc - Busija, D. W. - Bari Ferenc
N-methyl-D-aspartate increases cortical blood flow in part by evoking cortical spreading depression in Wistar, and insulin resistant Zucker rats
Acta Physiologica Hungarica    97 (1) 119-120, 2010 .
Impact factor: 0.750

Cannizzaro V - Berry LJ - Nicholls PK - Hantos Zoltán - Sly PD.
High Tidal Volume Ventilation Is not Deleterious in Infant Rats Exposed to Severe Hemorrhage.
J Trauma. 69: E24-E31, 2010.
Impact factor: 2.626

Albu Gergely - Babik B- Késmárky K – Maár Balázs - Hantos Zoltán - Peták Ferenc
Changes in airway and respiratory tissue mechanics after cardiac surgery.
Ann Thorac Surg. 89(4):1218-26, 2010.
Impact factor: 3.644

Lorx A. - Suki B. - Hercsuth M - Szabó B. - Pénzes I. - Boda Krisztina - Hantos Zoltán
Airway and tissue mechanics in ventilated patients with pneumonia.
Respir Physiol Neurobiol.171(2):101-109. 2010.
Impact factor: 2.135

Peták Ferenc - Bánfi A - Tóth-Szűki Valéria - Baráti L - Bari Ferenc - Székely E - Novák Zoltán
Airway responsiveness and bronchoalveolar lavage fluid profiling in individual rats: effects of different ovalbumin exposures.
Respir Physiol Neurobiol.170(1):76-82, 2010.
Impact factor: 2.135

Porra L. - Peták Ferenc - Strengell S. - Neitola K - Janosi TZ - Suhonen H - Suortti P - Sovijärvi AR, Habre W - Bayat S.
Acute cigarette smoke inhalation blunts lung responsiveness to methacholine and allergen in rabbit: dImpact factorferentiation of central and peripheral effects.
Am J Physiol Lung Cell Mol Physiol. 299(2):L242-51, 2010.
Impact factor: 4.043

von Ungern-Sternberg BS - Habre W .- Regli A. - Pache JC. - Fontao F. - Janosi TZ - Beghetti M. - Peták Ferenc
Precapillary pulmonary hypertension leads to reversible bronchial hyperreactivity in rats.
Exp Lung Res. 36(3):129-39. 2010.
Impact factor: 1.177

Habre W. - Jánosi TZ. - Fontao F.  - Meyers C.  - Albu Gergely - Pache JC.  - Peták Ferenc
Mechanisms for lung function impairment and airway hyperresponsiveness following chronic hypoxia in rats.
Am J Physiol Lung Cell Mol Physiol. 298(4):L607-614. 2010.
Impact factor: 4.043

Zsom L. - Zsom M. - Fülöp T. - Wells C. - Flessner M.F. - Eller József - Wollheim C. - Hegbrant J. - Strippoli G.F.M.
Correlation of Treatment Time and Ultrafiltration Rate with Serum Albumin and C-Reactive Protein Levels in Patients with End-Stage Kidney Disease Receiving Chronic Maintenance Hemodialysis: A Cross-Sectional Study.
Blood Purif. 30; 8-15, 2010. 
Impact factor: 1.893

Farkas Attila - Rudas László – Makra Péter – Csík Norbert – Leprán István – Forster Tamás – Csanády Miklós – Papp Gy. Julius – Varró András – Farkas András
Biomarkers and endogenous determinants of dofetilide induced torsades de pointes in alpha1-adrenoceptor-stimulated, anaesthetized rabbits
British Journal of Pharmacology 161: 1477–1495, 2010.
Impact factor: 5.204

Kalmár László - Deák Judit - Thurzó László - Pál Attila - Bernad E. - Nyári Tibor
Epidemiological modelling of risk factors of human papilloma virus in women with positive cytology in the county of Csongrád.
Eur J Gynaecol Oncol. 31(2):185-186. 2010
Impact factor: 0.614

Molnár Tamás - Farkas Klaudia - Nagy Ferenc  - Lakatos PL. - Miheller P. - Nyári Tibor - Horváth G. - Szepes Zoltán - Marik A. - Wittmann Tibor
Pregnancy outcome in patients with inflammatory bowel disease according to the activity of the disease and the medical treatment: a case-control study.
Scandinavian Journal of Gastroenterology Supplement 4511) 1302-1306, 2010.
Impact factor: 2.084

Mécs László - Tuboly Gábor - Tóth Kálmán - Nagy Endre - Nyári Tibor - Benedek György - Horváth Gyöngyi
Peripheral antinociceptive effect of 2-arachidonoyl-glycerol and its interaction with endomorphin-1 in arthritic rat ankle joints.
Clinical and Experimental Pharmacology and Physiology 37: 544-550. 2010
Impact factor: 1.936

Kocsis Péter - Asztalos Emese - Gingl Zoltán - Maróti Péter
Kinetic bacteriochlorophyll fluorometer.
Photosynth Res.105; 73-82. 2010
Impact factor: 2.303

Asztalos Emese - Italiano F. - Milano F. - Maróti Péter - Trotta M.
Early detection of mercury contamination by fluorescence induction of photosynthetic bacteria.
Photochem Photobiol Sci. 9: 1218-1223, 2010.
Impact factor: 2.708

Asztalos Emese - Kis Mariann - Maróti Péter
Aging photosynthetic bacteria monitored by absorption and fluorescence changes
Acta Biologica Szegediensis vol.54, pp 149-154, 2010.

Nagy László – Hajdu Kata – Fisher Béla – Hernádi K. – Nagy K. – Vincze János
Photosynthetic Reaction Centres – from Basic Research to Application Possibilities
Notulae Scientia Biologica, 2(2), 07-13

Baráth A. - Boda Krisztina. - Tichy M. - Károly E. - Túri S.
International comparison of blood pressure and BMI values in schoolchildren aged 11-16 years.
Acta Paediatr. 99(2) 251-255, 2010.
Impact factor: 1.768

Kis E. - Szegesdi I. - Dobos E. - Nagy E - Boda Krisztina - Kemény L - Horváth AR.
Quality assessment of clinical practice guidelines for adaptation in burn injury. BURNS 36(5) 606-615, 2010.
Impact factor: 1.95

Palágyi P. - Vimláti L. - Boda Krisztina - Tálosi G. - Boda Domokos
Practical experiences and in vitro and in vivo validation studies with a new gastric tonometric probe in human adult patients.
J Crit Care.25(3) 541.e9-541.e15, 2010.
Impact factor: 2.127

Szendi I. - Racsmány M. - Cimmer C. – Csifcsák G. - Kovács ZA. - Szekeres G. - Galsi G. - Tóth F. - Nagy A. - Garab EA. - Boda Krisztina - Gulyás G. - Kiss JG. - Dombi J. - Pléh C. - Janka Z.
Two subgroups of schizophrenia ident Impact factoried by systematic cognitive neuropsychiatric mapping.
Eur Arch Psychiatry Clin Neurosci. 260(3):257-66 , 2010.
Impact factor: 2.747

von Ungern-Sternberg BS. - Boda Krisztina - Chambers NA. - Rebmann C. - Johnson C. - Sly PD. - Habre W.
Risk assessment for respiratory complications in paediatric anaesthesia: a prospective cohort study.
LANCET 376, 773-783, 2010
Impact factor: 30.76

Szepes Zoltán - Molnár Tamás - Farkas Klaudia - Horváth Gyöngyi - Nagy Ferenc - Nyári Tibor - Wittmann Tibor
Javuló életminőség konzervatív kezelésre nem reagáló colitis ulcerosa sebészeti ellátását követően: milyen áron?
{Better quality of life after surgery treatment in patients with colitis ulcerosa: what is the price?}
Orv. Hetil. 151(31): 1264-1269. 2010

Kusnyerik Á. - Resch M. -  Csákány B. - Wilke R. - Boda Krisztina - Zrenner E. - Németh J. - Süveges I.
Ultrahang- és parciális interferometriai vizsgálatok reprodukálhatósága az emberi szemgolyó ekvatoriális méretének és axiális hosszúságának meghatározásában.
Szemészet - 147 - 67-71 – 2010

Bak M - Konyár E. - Schneider F. - Bidlek M. - Szabó E. - Nyári Tibor - Godény M. - Kásler M.

A “szürke zóna” az emlőrák mamográfiás szervezett szűrésében.
Orv Hetil. 151(32):1295-8. 2010

Farkas Eszter - Obrenovitch TP. -Bari Ferenc
Az agytraumával vagy stroke-kal járó agykérgi kúszó depolarizáció és periinfarctus depolarizáció patofiziológiai jelentősége.
Vasc.Neurol.. 2(3):62-67, 2010.

Könyvek, könyvrészletek, disszertációk

Hajdu Kata - Nagy László
Életfeltételek a Földön; a környezeti krízis
Life conditions on Earth – environmental crisis
in Vincze János ed. Biofizika  37 Biophysics, pp. 27-38, NDP, Budapest, 2010.

Hajdu Kata - Nagy László
A látható fény, mint környezeti tényező
Visible light as environmental factor
in Vincze János ed. Biofizika 37 Biophysics pp. 55-66, NDP, Budapest, 2010.

Hajdu Kata - Nagy László
A hőmérséklet, mint környezeti tényező
Temperature as environmental factor
in Vincze János ed. Biofizika 37 Biophysics pp. 67-78, NDP, Budapest, 2010.

Hajdu Kata - Nagy László
Az ultraibolya fény biológiai hatásai
The biological effect of the UV light
in Vincze János ed. Biofizika 37 Biophysics pp. 117-132, NDP, Budapest, 2010.

Fischer B. - Hajdu Kata - Nagy László
Energia és élet; az emberiség energiagondjai
Energy and lImpact factore; the energy problems of human lImpact factore
in Vincze János ed. Biofizika 37 Biophysics pp. 133-150, NDP, Budapest, 2010.

Hajdu Kata - Nagy László
A kisfrekvenciájú elektromágneses terek, rádiófrekvenciális hullámok biológiai hatásai
The biological effects of low and radio frequency electromagnetic fields
in Vincze János ed. Biofizika 37 Biophysics pp. 171-190, NDP, Budapest, 2010.

Hajdu Kata - Nagy László
A zaj- és a rezgésártalmak
The harmful effects of noise and vibrations
in Vincze János ed. Biofizika 37 Biophysics pp. 191-208, NDP, Budapest, 2010.

Maróti Péter –Trotta Massimo
Artificial Photosynthetic Systems, CRC Handbook of Organic Photochemistry and Photobiology, 3rd edition
(Eds.: Francesco Ghetti, Axel Griesbeck and Michael Ölgemöller), 2010

Maróti Péter
PhD. Kurzusok fizikából (szerk. Hevesi Imre) 2010.

Dr. Lorx András doktori értekezési tézis
Témavezető: Hantos Zoltán
Lélegeztetett betegek alacsonyfrekvenciás kényszerített oszcillációs légzésmechanikája Bp. 2010

Vincenzo Canizzaro, MD PhD Thesis
Témavezető: Hantos Zoltán
Respiratory mechanics in infant and adult mice Modelling ventillator-induced lung injury


Arnab Majumdar - Zoltan Hantos - Béla Suki
A Non-Invasive Method To Locate Peripheral Airway Constrictions From Input Impedance Of Lungs.
Am. J. Respir. Crit. Care Med., 181: A2178 (2010)
American Thoracic Society International Congress, New Orleans, May 14-19, 2010

Sam Bayat - Liisa Porra - Gergely Albu - Skander Layachi - Ferenc Petàk - Pekka Suortti - Zoltan Hantos - Anssi R.A. Sovijärvi -  Walid Habre
Airway Response To Inhaled Allergen Assessed By High-Resolution Synchrotron Imaging And Forced Oscillation Technique In Sensitized Brown Norway Rat.
Am. J. Respir. Crit. Care Med. 181: A5029 (2010)
American Thoracic Society International Congress, New Orleans, May 14-19, 2010

Zoltan Hantos - Margit V. Szabari - József Tolnai - Gergely Albu - Béla Suki
Lung Volumes And Respiratory Mechanics In A Rat Model Of Emphysema.
Am. J. Respir. Crit. Care Med. 181: A5067 (2010)
American Thoracic Society International Congress, New Orleans, May 14-19, 2010

József Tolnai - Margit Szabari - Gergely Albu - Balázs Maár - Zoltán Hantos
Impact of chest wall mechanics on total respiratory impedance in rats.
Eur. Respir. J. 36 (Suppl. 54): 48s (2010).
European Respiratory Society Annual Congress, Barcelona, 2010

Margit Szabari - József Tolnai - Balázs Maár - Béla Suki - Zoltán Hantos
Follow-up of lung function impairment in elastase-treated rats.
Eur. Respir. J. 36 (Suppl. 54): 48s (2010).
European Respiratory Society Annual Congress, Barcelona, 2010

Szendi István - Racsmány M. - Csifcsák G. - Kovács Zoltán Ambrus - Domján N. - Szekeres Gy. - Cimmer Csongor - Galsi G. - Boda Krisztina - Gulyás G. - Dombi J. - Janka Zoltán

Inhomogeneity of the nondeficit syndrome among patients with schizophrenia.
Schizophrenia Research. 117 (2010). Page 423. (Abstract)

Boda Krisztina -  Palágyi P. - Boda Domokos
Assessing agreement between two simultaneous measurements for in vivo tonometric study with multiple observations per individual.
30th Annual Conference of the International Society for Clinical Biostatistics Montpellier France 29 August - 2 Sept 2010.P21.7 - pp. 115.

Maróti Péter - Asztalos Emese
Induction and relaxation of bacteriochlorophyll fluorescence: Electron transfer through reaction center in intact cells of photosynthetic bacteria.
In: Photosynthesis Reserch for Food, Fuel and the Future. pp. 41,
Abstract of the 15th International Congress of Photosynthesis, Beijing, China, Aug, 22-27, 2010.

Farkas Eszter - Obrenovitch, T.P. - Bari Ferenc
Aging and chronic cerebral hypoperfusion alter the pattern of CSD in the rat.
7th Forum of European Neuroscience, Amsterdam, The Netherlands; July 3-7, 2010.

Farkas Eszter - Bari Ferenc - Obrenovitch, T.P.
Multi-modal imaging of anoxic depolarization and hemodynamic changes induced by cardiac arrest in the rat cerebral cortex.
12th Meeting  of the Co-operative Study of Brain Injury Depolarisations (COSBID), Barcelona, Spain, May 5-8, 2010.

Farkas Eszter - Bari Ferenc - Obrenovitch, T.P.
Multi-modal imaging of membrane potential and hemodynamic changes induced by cardiac arrest and subsequent anoxic depolarization in the rat cerebral cortex. IBRO International Workshop, Pécs, Hungary; January 21-23, 2010.

Farkas Eszter - Bari Ferenc - Obrenovitch, T.P.
Multi-modal imaging of anoxic depolarization and hemodynamic variables during forebrain ischemia in rats. 9th World Congress for Microcirculation, Paris, France; September 26-28, 2010.

Farkas Eszter - Obrenovitch, T.P. - Bari Ferenc
Simultaneous, live imaging of cortical spreading depression and associated hemodynamic changes, by combining voltage-sensitive dye and laser speckle contrast methods. Neuroimaging Workshop, Szeged, Hungary. March 19-20, 2010.

Karsai János
Teaching differential equation models with Mathematica in applied fields, Third Central- and Eastern European Conference on Computer Algebra- and Dynamic Geometry Systems in Mathematics Education 29 June -1 July, 2010 Hluboká nad Vltavou, Czech Republic

Karsai János
Workshop on Investigation of dynamical systems with Mathematica, Third Central- and Eastern European Conference on Computer Algebra- and Dynamic Geometry Systems in Mathematics Education 29 June -1 July, 2010 Hluboká nad Vltavou, Czech Republic

Karsai János
Differential equation models in high schools: interactive and experimental study with Mathematica,  International Conference on Teaching and Learning Mathematics, 24 - 25 August, 2010 Novi Sad, Serbia

Csupor D. -  Bognár J. - Karsai János - Hohmann J.
Method development and optimization for isoflavone quantification in dry soy extract containing products,
Planta Med 2010; 76 DOI: 10.1055/s-0030-1264835,
58th International Congress and Annual Meeting of the Society for Medicinal Plant and Natural Product Research Berlin, 29th August-2nd September 2010

Nagy László – Égerházi László
“Light of Tonic water”
The biology teaching, Mozaik Oktatási Stúdió, Szeged, 4, 38-39, (Hungarian)

Farkas Eszter - Bari Ferenc
Agyérbetegségek és gyógyszeres terápia. Az állatkísérletek indokoltsága.
A Magyar Orvosok és Gyógyszerészek VII. Világtalálkozója, Budapest, Hungary; August 22-25, 2010.

Farkas Eszter - Bari Ferenc
Az öregedő agy mikrokeringése – kísérletes állatmodellek.
A Magyar Élettani Társaság LXXIV. Vándorgyűlése, Szeged, 2010. Június 16-18.

Bere Zsófia - Kulmány Adrienn - Obrenovitch, T.P. - Bari Ferenc - Farkas Eszter
Peri-infarktus depolarizáció vizsgálata többkomponensű képalkotó eljárással patkányban. A Magyar Élettani Társaság LXXIV. Vándorgyűlése, Szeged, 2010. Június 16-18.

Hugyecz Marietta - Mracskó Éva - Hertelendy Péter - Farkas Eszter - Bari Ferenc
A hidrogén protektív hatása tranziens globális iszkémiát (tgi) követően patkány hippocampusban. A Magyar Élettani Társaság LXXIV. Vándorgyűlése, Szeged, Hungary. June 16-18, 2010.

Mándity István - Karsai János - Martinek Tamás - Janne Jänis - Fülöp Ferenc
Különböző másodlagos szerkezetű  -peptid foldamerek önrendeződésének vizsgálata gáz fázisú H/D csere reakcióval,
MKE Vegyészkonferencia, Hajdúszoboszló, 2010. június 30-július 2. Abstr.: O-35, 68.

Karsai János
Számítógépes modellezés a Mathematica szoftverrel: fajok területért folyó versengésének sejtautomata modelljei.
Modellezés az élettudományokban, Szeged, 2010. dec. 3.

2009-es publikációk

Cerebrovaszkuláris kutatócsoport

Effects of early aging and cerebral hypoperfusion on spreading depression in rats
Farkas E, Bari F, Obrenovitch TP.
Neurobiol. Aging. 2009 [in press]
IF: 5.959

Cerebrovascular responses to insulin in rats
Katakam PV, Domoki F, Lenti L, Gáspár T, Institoris A, Snipes JA, Busija DW.
J Cereb Blood Flow Metab. 2009 Sep 2. [Epub ahead of print]
IF: 5.741

N-methyl-d-aspartate induces cortical hyperemia through cortical spreading depression-dependent and -independent mechanisms in rats
Lenti L, Domoki F, Gaspar T, Snipes JA, Bari F, Busija DW.
Microcirculation. 2009 Aug 4:1-11. [Epub ahead of print]
IF: 2.464

Secretory phospholipase A2 inhibitor PX-18 preserves microvascular reactivity after cerebral ischemia in piglets
Domoki F, Zimmermann A, Lenti L, Tóth-Szuki V, Pardeike J, Müller RH, Bari F.
Microvasc Res. 2009 Sep;78(2):212-7. Epub 2009 Jun 22
IF: 3.000

PACAP and VIP differentially preserve neurovascular reactivity after global cerebral ischemia in newborn pigs
Lenti L, Zimmermann A, Kis D, Oláh O, Tóth GK, Hegyi O, Busija DW, Bari F, Domoki F.
Brain Res. 2009 Aug 4;1283:50-7. Epub 2009 Jun 16
IF: 2.494

Immediate neuronal preconditioning by NS1619
Gáspár T, Domoki F, Lenti L, Katakam PV, Snipes JA, Bari F, Busija DW.
Brain Res. 2009 Aug 18;1285:196-207. Epub 2009 Jun 11
IF: 2.494

Capillary injury in the ischemic brain of hyperlipidemic, apolipoprotein B-100 transgenic mice
Süle Z, Mracskó E, Bereczki E, Sántha M, Csont T, Ferdinandy P, Bari F, Farkas E.
Life Sci. 2009 Jun 19;84(25-26):935-9. Epub 2009 May 3
IF: 2.583

Development of bronchus-associated lymphoid tissue hyperplasia following lipopolysaccharide-induced lung inflammation in rats
Bánfi A, Tiszlavicz L, Székely E, Peták F, Tóth-Szüki V, Baráti L, Bari F, Novák Z.
Exp Lung Res. 2009 Apr;35(3):186-97
IF: 1.618

Neuroprotective effect of adenoviral catalase gene transfer in cortical neuronal cultures
Gáspár T, Domoki F, Lenti L, Institoris A, Snipes JA, Bari F, Busija DW.
Brain Res. 2009 May 13;1270:1-9. Epub 2009 Mar 17
IF: 2.494

Selective inhibition of cyclooxygenase-2 attenuates nitroglycerin-induced calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II alpha in rat trigeminal nucleus caudalis
Varga H, Pardutz A, Vamos E, Bohar Z, Bago F, Tajti J, Bari F, Vecsei L.
Neurosci Lett. 2009 Feb 20;451(2):170-3. Epub 2008 Dec 25
IF: 2.200

Impaired mitochondria-dependent vasodilation in cerebral arteries of Zucker obese rats with insulin resistance
Katakam PV, Domoki F, Snipes JA, Busija AR, Jarajapu YP, Busija DW.
Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol. 2009 Feb;296(2):R289-98. Epub 2008 Nov 12
IF: 3.272

Rosuvastatin induces delayed preconditioning against oxygen-glucose deprivation in cultured cortical neurons
Domoki F, Kis B, Gáspár T, Snipes JA, Parks JS, Bari F, Busija DW.
Am J Physiol Cell Physiol. 2009 Jan;296(1):C97-105. Epub 2008 Oct 29
IF: 4.230

Simultaneous, live imaging of cortical spreading depression and associated cerebral blood flow changes, by combining voltage-sensitive dye and laser speckle contrast methods
Obrenovitch TP, Chen S, Farkas E.
Neuroimage. 2009 Mar 1;45(1):68-74. Epub 2008 Dec 6
IF: 5.694

Légzésélettani kutatócsoport

Low-frequency assessment of airway and tissue mechanics in ventilated COPD patients
Lorx A, Szabó B, Hercsuth M, Pénzes I, Hantos Z.
J Appl Physiol. 2009 Oct 15.
IF: 3.658

Lung volume recruitment maneuvers and respiratory system mechanics in mechanically ventilated mice
Cannizzaro V, Berry LJ, Nicholls PK, Zosky GR, Turner DJ, Hantos Z, Sly PD.
Respir Physiol Neurobiol. 2009 Sep 27.
IF: 2.035

Protective mechanical ventilation does not exacerbate lung function impairment or lung inflammation following influenza A infection
Zosky GR, Cannizzaro V, Hantos Z, Sly PD.
J Appl Physiol. 2009 Sep 10.
IF: 3.658

Estimating the diameter of airways susceptible for collapse using crackle sound
Majumdar A, Hantos Z, Tolnai J, Parameswaran H, Tepper RS, Suki B.
J Appl Physiol. 2009 Sep 3. [Epub ahead of print]
IF: 3.658

Methacholine and ovalbumin challenges assessed by forced oscillations and synchrotron lung imaging
Bayat S, Strengell S, Porra L, Janosi TZ, Petak F, Suhonen H, Suortti P, Hantos Z, Sovijärvi AR, Habre W.
Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2009 Aug 15;180(4):296-303. Epub 2009 May 29.
IF: 9.792

Impact of elevated pulmonary blood flow and capillary pressure on lung responsiveness
Peták F, Janosi TZ, Myers C, Fontao F, Habre W.
J Appl Physiol. 2009 Sep;107(3):780-6. Epub 2009 Jul 9.
IF: 3.658

The impact of oral premedication with midazolam on respiratory function in children
von Ungern-Sternberg BS, Erb TO, Habre W, Sly PD, Hantos Z.
Anesth Analg. 2009 Jun;108(6):1771-6.
IF: 2.590

Changes in functional residual capacity and lung mechanics during surgical repair of congenital heart diseases: effects of preoperative pulmonary hemodynamics
von Ungern-Sternberg BS, Petak F, Hantos Z, Habre W.
Anesthesiology. 2009 Jun;110(6):1348-55.
IF: 5.124

Development of bronchus-associated lymphoid tissue hyperplasia following lipopolysaccharide-induced lung inflammation in rats
Bánfi A, Tiszlavicz L, Székely E, Peták F, Tóth-Szüki V, Baráti L, Bari F, Novák Z.
Exp Lung Res. 2009 Apr;35(3):186-97.
IF: 1.618

Lung mechanical and vascular changes during positive- and negative-pressure lung inflations: importance of reference pressures in the pulmonary vasculature
Peták F, Albu G, Lele E, Hantos Z, Morel DR, Fontao F, Habre W.
J Appl Physiol. 2009 Mar;106(3):935-42. Epub 2008 Dec 26.
IF: 3.658

Negative impact of the noseclip on high-frequency respiratory impedance measurements
Thamrin C, Albu G, Sly PD, Hantos Z.
Respir Physiol Neurobiol. 2009 Jan 1;165(1):115-8. Epub 2008 Nov 1.
IF: 2.035

Impact of supplemental oxygen in mechanically ventilated adult and infant mice
Cannizzaro V, Berry LJ, Zosky GR, Turner DJ, Hantos Z, Sly PD.
Respir Physiol Neurobiol. 2009 Jan 1;165(1):61-6. Epub 2008 Oct 17.
IF: 2.035

Biostatisztikai kutatócsoport

Benefits of Periodontal Therapy When Preter Birth Treatens
Radnai M, Pál A, Novák T, Urbán E, Eller J, Gorzó I.
J DENT RES 88(3): 280-284 (2009)
IF: 3.458

Reliability of Ultrasound Biometry in the Equatorial Plane in Human Eyes
Kusnyerik A., Resch M., Csakany B., Wilke R., Gekeler F., Boda K., Zrenner E., Süveges I.
ARVO’s 2009 Annual Meeting,May 3-7.Fort Lauderdale, Florida (2009)

Plasma Concentrations of High-Mobility Group Box Protein 1, Soluble Receptor for Advanced Glycation End-Products and Circulating DNA in Patients with Acute Pancreatitis
Kocsis Á.K., Szabolcs A.,Hofner P.,Takács T.,Farkas G., Boda K., Mándi Y.
PANCREATOLOGY 9:383–391 (2009).
IF: 3.043

Does the endoscopic appearance of the ileocecal valve suggest the severity of Crohn's disease in the terminal ileum?
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JOURNAL OF CROHN'S & COLITIS 3:(4) pp. 287-290. (2009)
IF: 1.729

Effects of a Hypnotically Altered State of Consciousness on Intensification of Semantic Processing
Szendi I., Kovács Z.A., Szekeres G., Galsi G., Boda K, Boncz I., Janka Z

Prevention of Preterm Delivery with Periodontal Treatment.
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Fetal Diagn. Ther. 25: 230-233, 2009.
IF: 0.911

Plasma Concentrations of High-Mobility Group Box Protein 1, Soluble Receptor for Advanced Glycation End-Products and Circulating DNA in Patients with Acute Pancreatitis.
Kocsis Á.K., Szabolcs A.,Hofner P.,Takács T.,Farkas G., Boda K., Mándi Y.
PANCREATOLOGY 9:383–391 (2009).
IF: 3.043

Effects of a Hypnotically Altered State of Consciousness on Intensification of Semantic Processing.
Szendi I., Kovács Z.A., Szekeres G., Galsi G., Boda K, Boncz I., Janka Z.
IF: 2.068

Distribution of oxytocin-immunoreactive neuronal elements in the rat spinal cord.
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Acta Biol Hung. 2009 Dec;60(4):333-46.
IF: 0.551

Pyhsics research group

Physics of attosecond pulses produced via high harmonic generation
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AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PHYSICS 77(5): 389-395. (2009)
IF: 0.779