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Peták Ferenc PhD DSc
Dr. Peták Ferenc PhD DSc
egyetemi tanár, intézetvezető
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Bari Ferenc PhD, DSc
Dr. Bari Ferenc PhD DSc
egyetemi tanár
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Égerházi László PhD
Dr. Égerházi László PhD
egyetemi adjunktus
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Dr. Fodor Gergely MD PhD
Dr. Fodor Gergely MD, PhD
egyetemi adjunktus
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Kun-Szabó Fruzsina
Kun-Szabó Fruzsina
tudományos segédmunkatárs
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+36 62 545 829 (58-29)
Lantos Tamás
Dr. Lantos Tamás
egyetemi adjunktus
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+36 62 545-833 (58-33)
Makra Péter PhD
Dr. Makra Péter PhD
egyetemi adjunktus
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+36 62 341-291 (12-91)
Dr. Márki Árpád PhD
Dr. Márki Árpád PhD
egyetemi adjunktus
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+36 62 545-833 (58-33)
Nagy László PhD
Dr. Nagy László PhD
egyetemi docens
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+36 62 545-079 (50-79)
Nagy Attila PhD
Dr. Nagy Attila PhD
egyetemi adjunktus
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+36 62 545-080 (50-80)
Nyári Tibor PhD DSc
Dr. Nyári Tibor PhD DSc
egyetemi tanár, intézetvezető-helyettes
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+36 62 544-946 (49-46)
Péter Viktória
Péter Viktória
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+36 62 541-391 (12-91)
Rárosi Ferenc
Dr. Rárosi Ferenc PhD
egyetemi adjunktus
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+36 62 545-981 (59-81)
Repkóné Farka Kitti
Repkóné Farkas Kitti
tudományos segédmunkatárs
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+36 62 545-833 (58-33)
Szabó Tibor PhD
Dr. Szabó Tibor PhD
egyetemi adjunktus
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+36 62 543-115 (31-15)
+36 62 544-121 (41-21)
Szakáll Miklós PhD
Dr. Szakáll Miklós PhD
tudományos munkatárs
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+36 62 545-791 (57-91)
Szűcs Mónika
Szűcs Mónika
egyetemi tanársegéd
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+36 62 545-981 (59-81)
Tandori Júlia PhD
Dr. Tandori Júlia PhD
egyetemi adjunktus
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+36 62 341-291 (12-91)
Tarjányi Tamás
Dr. Tarjányi Tamás
egyetemi tanársegéd
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+36 62 545 829 (58-29)
Tolnai József PhD
Dr. Tolnai József PhD
egyetemi adjunktus
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+36 62 545-080 (50-80)
Toth.Zsolt rs
Dr. Tóth Zsolt PhD
egyetemi docens
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+36 62 545-791 (57-91)

Szerződéses oktatók

Dr. Asztalos Tibor
Dr. Asztalos Tibor
nyugalmazott tudományos főmunkatárs
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+36 62 545-080 (50-80)
Dr. Marek Tamás
Dr. Marek Tamás
nyugalmazott egyetemi docens
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Maróti Péter PhD DSc
Dr. Maróti Péter PhD DSc
nyugalmazott egyetemi tanár
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+36 62 543-518 (35-18)
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Stéhlik Jánosné Boda Krisztina PhD
Stéhlik Jánosné Dr. Boda Krisztina PhD
nyugalmazott címzetes egyetemi tanár
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+36 62 545-981 (59-81)

További munkatársak

Aczél Adrienn
Aczél Adrienn
ügyvivő szakértő
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+36 62 545-077 (50-77)
Borbás Anna
Borbás Anna
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+36 62 342-454 (24-54)
D'Angelo Róbert
D'Angelo Róbert
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+36 62 545-079 (50-79)
Ivánkovitsné Kiss Orsolya
Ivánkovitsné Kiss Orsolya
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+36 62 545-365 (53-65)
Mezo.Zsuzsa rs
Mező Zsuzsa
ügyvivő szakértő
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+36 62 545-792 (57-92)
Szabóné Makra Ibolya
Szabóné Makra Ibolya
ügyviteli alkalmazott
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+36 62 544-566 (45-66)


Bakó Ferenc Dezső
Bakó Ferenc Dezső
PhD hallgató
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Barczánfalvi Gábor
Barczánfalvi Gábor
tudományos segédmunkatárs / PhD hallgató
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+36 62 545 829 (58-29)
Somogyi Petra
Somogyi Petra
tudományos segédmunkatárs / PhD hallgató
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Szűcs László Ábel
Szűcs László Ábel
tudományos segédmunkatárs / PhD hallgató
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+36 62 545 829 (58-29)
Urfi Zsanett
Urfi Zsanett
tudományos segédmunkatárs / PhD hallgató
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+36 62 545 829 (58-29)
Zeöld Blanka
Zeöld Blanka

+36 62 544-121 (41-21)


Kis Oktatási Épület porta
Kis Oktatási Épület porta
+36 62 545-083 (50-83)

Szűcs Mónika

tudományos segédmunkatárs


Iroda: Purjesz Béla Épület (Kis Oktatási Épület) 32. szoba 

Cím: SZTE ÁOK-TTIK Orvosi Fizikai és Orvosi Informatikai Intézet, 6720 Szeged, Korányi fasor 9.

Tel:+36-62-545-981 (59-81)

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Prof. Maróti Péter

Curriculum Vitae

Dr. Péter Maróti
     Head of the Department of Biophysics, University of Szeged, 1991-2005
Current positions:
     Professor of Biophysics at Department of Medical Physics, University of Szeged
     Chairman of Biophysics Ph.D. Subprogram, University of Szeged
     Department of Medical Physics, University of Szeged, Rerrich Béla tér 1., H-6720
Date of Birth: October 14, 1950, Szeged, Hungary
Nationality: Hungarian
Marital status: Married, 2 children
Place of Birth: Szeged, Hungary
     B.Sc. and M. Sc.: Physics, JATE University of Szeged, 1969-1974.
     Ph.D.: Biophysics, JATE University of Szeged, 1979.
     Assistant Professor: Department of Biophysics, JATE University of Szeged, 1974-79.
     Associate Professor: same Department, 1979-84.
     Senior Lecturer: same Department, 1984-1994.
     Full Professor, same Department, 1994-
     Associate Head, Department of Biophysics, JATE University of Szeged, 1986-90.
     Acting Head, same Department 1991-92.
     Head, same Department, 1992-2005.
     Head of the Ph.D. Subprogram in Biophysics JATE University of Szeged, 1993-
Awards in Honors:
     First Place in the National Problem-Solving Competition in Physics for students: 1969.
     Winner of the International Olympics for Students in Physics: 1969.
     „Sub Auspiciis Rei Publicae Popularis”: 1979.
     Fellow of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation: 1980-81.
     Candidate of Biological Sciences: 1982.
     Academic Doctor of Biological Sciences: 1992.
     Dr. Habil. Biophysics, JATE University of Szeged: 1994.
     Széchenyi fellowship: 1997-2000.
     Fulbright fellowship: 2001.
     Acta Biologica Szegediensis 2000-pres.
Invited reviewer
     FEBS Letters,
     Biophysical Journal,
     European Biochemical Journal,
     Journal of Physical Chemistry, B
     Letters in Drug Design & Discovery
     Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology
International Invitations:
Longer Research Work:
     1972. Institute of Physical Chemistry at University Stuttgart (Germany) headed by Prof. Dr. Th. Förster,
     1975. Department of Medical System in N.V. Philips Gloeilampenfabrieken,     Eindhoven (Holland) headed by Ing. Dr. Fl. Timmer.
     1978. Laboratorie de Photosynthese du CNRS, Gif-sur-Yvette (France) headed by Dr. J. Lavorel,
     1980-81. Institute of Plant Physiology, Georg August University Göttingen (Germany) headed by Prof. Dr. W. Wiessner,
     1983-85, 1987-89. Institute of Plant Biology, University of Illinois at Urbana (USA) headed by Prof. Dr. C.A. Wraight.
     1993-94. CNRS CGM, Gif-sur-Yvette (France) headed by Prof. Dr. P. Sebban.
     2001: Department of Biochemistry, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign (USA) headed by Prof. Dr. C.A. Wraight
     2006: Department of Physical Chemistry of University Paris Sud.
Invited Lecturer:
     1981- Institute of Biophysics, University Osnabrück (Germany, Prof. Dr. W Junge).
     1983- Institute of Botany, University of Illinois, Urbana (USA, Prof. Dr. Govindjee).
     1989- Institute of Physics, University of California San Diego (USA, Prof. Dr. G. Feher).
     1989- Institute of Biochemistry, Columbia University New York (USA, Prof. Dr. B. Honig).
     1993- DBCM-SBE, CEA  Saclay (Dr. P. Mathis)
     1994- Institute of Plant Biology, University Göttingen (Prof. Dr. W. Wiessner)
     1994- CNRS CGM, Gif-sur-Yvette (Dr. P. Sebban).
     1996- Institute of Biophysics, University Osnabrück (Germany, Prof. Dr. W. Junge).
     2001, 2003 and 2005 - Department of Biochemistry, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign (USA).
     2005.  Department of Physical Chemistry of University Paris Sud (France)
     2006.  Institut für Biophysik Fachbereich Physik der Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universitat Frankfurt, Germany.
     2007. Center for Biophysics and Computational Biology, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, USA.
     2008. Department of Chemistry, University of Kyoto, Japan.
     2009. Department of Chemistry, University of Bari, Italy
     2009. Lehrstuhl für Bioinformatik/Strukturbiologie, Universität Bayreuth, Germany
     2009. Department of Chemistry, University of Kyoto, Japan.
Invited speaker:
     1995. Xth International Photosynthesis Congress, Montpellier, France
     1996. XIIth International Congress on Photobiology, Vienna, Austria.
     1996. 47th International Society for Electrochemistry, Balatonfüred, Hungary:
     1997. Giulio Milazzo School on Bioelectrochemistry, Szeged
     1998. ESF school on Structure and Dynamics of Photosynthetic Membranes, Szeged
     1998. ESF workshop on Coupling of Electrons and Protons in Photosynthesis, Seregélyes
     1998. School on Theoretical Biophysics, Lomonosov University, Moscow
     1998. Workshop on Proton Solvation and Proton Mobility, The Hebrew University, Jerusalem
     2006. 11th Conference on Multimedia in Physics Teaching and Learning, University of Szeged.
     2007. 4th Congress on Molecular Recognition, University of Pécs, Hungary
     2007. 2nd Regional Biophysics Congress, Balatonfüred, Hungary
     2007. Interdisciplinary Regional Research, Novi Sad, Serbia
     2008. Conference on Development and Protection of the Environment, Szeged.
     2009: “Molecular machineries for ion translocation across biomembranes” COST meeting, Brussels, Belgium
     2009. Italian National Conference on Photobiology, Locorotondo, Bari Italy.
     2009. “Three decades in photosynthesis research for solar future” (49-ers) Budapest, Hungary
     2010. “Molecular machineries for ion translocation across biomembranes” COST meeting, Hofheim, Germany.
Presentations in important scientific meetings (since 1985)
     1985. Gordon Research Conference on Physico-chemical Aspects of Photosynthesis, New London, NH. 
               "Proton binding by reaction centers from Rhodobacter sphaeroides." 
     1986. Seventh International Congress on Photosynthesis, Providence, RI.
               "Functional characteristics of reaction centers from Rhodobacter sphaeroides."
     1987. Gordon Research Conference on Biochemical Aspects of Photosynthesis, New London, NH. 
               "Proton binding by reaction centers from Rhodobacter sphaeroides." 
     1988. Gordon Research Conference on Protons and Membrane Reactions, Ventura, CA. 
               "Electrostatic influences on proton binding in reaction centers."
     1989. International Conference on the Structure and Function of Photochemical Reaction Centers,
               Center for Photochemistry and Photobiology, Chicago, IL. 
              "Proton-binding and charge compensation in bacterial reaction centers."
     1990. Annual Meeting of the Biophysical Society, Baltimore, MD. 
              "Proton binding and electron transfer in the acceptor quinone complex of reaction centers from Rhodobacter sphaeroides."
     1990. Gordon Research Conference on Biochemical Aspects of Photosynthesis, New London, NH. 
               "Proton binding in bioenergetic systems”
     1991. Gordon Research Conference on Proton and Membrane Reactions, San Buenaventura, CA. 
               "Proton and electron transfer in photosynthetic reaction centers from Rhodobacter sphaeroides:  Studies with site-directed mutants."
     1991. Gordon Research Conference on Physico-chemical Aspects of Photosynthesis, Meriden, NH.
               "Proton transfer pathways in bacterial reaction centers".
     1993. Gordon Research Conference on Bioenergetics, Holderness, NH.
               "Intraprotein proton transfer in enzymes and photosynthetic reaction centers".
     1993. Gordon Research Conference on Biochemical Aspects of Photosynthesis, New Hampton, NH.
               "Proton transfer and secondary electron transport on bacterial photosynthetic reaction centers"
     1994. Gordon Research Conference on Protons and Membrane Reactions, San Buenaventura, CA.
               "Path of Protons in Photosynthetic Reaction Centers".
     1994. Annual Meeting of the Biophysical Society, New Orleans, LA
               "Pathways of Proton Uptake in Membrane Proteins".
     1995. Xth International Congress on Photosynthesis Research, Montpellier, France:
               "Mechanisms of Quinone Function in Photosynthesis".
     1996. 47th International Society for Electrochemistry, Balatonfüred, Hungary: Invited speaker in Special Symposium on Bioelectrochemistry.
               "Coupling of electron and proton flows in photosynthetic reaction centers"
     1997. Gordon Research Conference on Protons and Membrane Reactions, San Buenaventura, CA.
               "Conformational control of proton uptake by bacterial reaction centers".
     1998. European Science Foundation Workshop on Coupling of Electrons & Protons in Photosynthesis, Seregélyes, Hungary. August 14-17, 1998.
               "Functional linkage between the QA and QB sites of photosynthetic reaction centers".
     1998. XIth International Congress on Photosynthesis Research, Budapest, Hungary. August 17-22, 1998.
               "Environmental control of the redox potential of QA in Rb. sphaeroides reaction centers."
     1998. Israel Science Foundation Workshop on Proton Solvation & Proton Mobility, Fritz Haber Center for Molecular Dynamics, Neve Ilan, Israel.
               "Intraprotein proton transfer - the not-so-solid state."
      2000. Gordon Research Conference on Protons and Membrane Reactions, San Buenaventura, CA. 
                "Proton uptake by bacterial reaction centers".  
      2000. 3rd European Biophysics Congress, München “Delayed fluorescence from chlorophyll dimer in bacterial reaction center”.
      2000. 44th Annual Meeting of the Biophysical Society, New Orleans, LA "Proton Delivery Pathways".
      2003. Gordon Research Conference on Protons and Membrane Reactions, San Buenaventura, CA. 
                "Protein relaxation in light-induced bacterial reaction centers".
      2005. 49th Annual Meeting of the Biophysical Society, Long Beach, CA
                "Role of Protons in Photochemistry of Photosynthetic Reaction Centers".
      2006. Gordon Research Conference on Protons and Membrane Reactions, Ventura, CA.
                "Uncoupling of electron and proton transfer in photocycle of bacterial RC".
      2007. 9th International Symposium on Interdisciplinary Regional Research, Novi Sad, Serbia
                “Harvesting the sun by photosynthesis: conversion and storage of light energy.”
     2007. 4th Congress on Molecular Recognition, University of Pécs, Hungary
                “Is the redox midpoint potential of the primary quinine in bacterial reaction center pH dependent or independent?”
     2007. 2nd Regional Biophysics Congress, Balatonfüred, Hungary
               “Protein relaxation: case-history of bacterial reaction center.”
     2008. Development and Environment, Szeged, Hungary
               “Thermodynamic Limits of Energy Conversion and Entropy Production”
     2009. Three decades in photosynthesis research for solar future (49-ers) Budapest, Hungary
                “Light from photosynthetic bacteria”
Research activities:
Structure and function of membrane proteins and the biological energy transduction, more specifically how the photosynthetic reaction centers convert light energy into other forms of energy with high efficiency. Studies of light-induced structural changes, electron and proton transfer processes, electrostatics and quinone function/herbicide action in reaction center protein of photosynthetic purple bacteria.
Biomonitoring and bioremediation by photosynthetic bacteria; construction of bacteriochlorophyll fluorometers and spectrometers, field instruments.

Number of original publications: 120
Cumulative impact factor of the journals: >200
Number of citations: ~ 1000
Hirsch index ~ 19
Number of textbooks for students: 5
Number of graduate students supervised in their PhD works: 6

Regular Lectures
      Medical Physics (in Hungarian, English and German for first year medical students)
      Biophysics I (for undergraduate students major in biology and physics)
      Biophysics II (for undergraduate students major in biophysics)
      Biophysics III (for undergraduate students major in biophysics)
      Molecular Biophysics (advanced course)
      Problems in Biophysics (advanced course)
      Spectroscopic Methods in Biophysics (for undergraduate students major in biophysics)
      Physics for Biologists (for BSc students in physics)
      Energetics (for undergraduate students major in environments studies)
      Information theory in biology (advanced course)
      Bioenergetics (advanced course)
      Biological physics (for BSc students in physics)

Elected member
      Executive Committee of the Hungarian Biophysical Society
      Executive Committee of the Biophysical Commission of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences
      Head of the Board of Professors, Faculty of Natural Sciences, University of Szeged (2000-2001)
      Executive Committee, Faculty of Natural Sciences, University of Szeged (2002-2005)
      PhD Program Committee, Faculty of Natural Sciences, University of Szeged.

Research Funding:
National funding
    Hungarian Science Foundation (OTKA) PI
       Renewed continuously in every 4 years since 1985–
       Currently: K-67850 (2007– 2011)
    Foundation of Hungarian Ministry of Education
       FKFP 1288 and B-23/1997,
       FEFA III/1034 and IV/1605 and
       AMFK 043/98.
International funding
      International Human Frontier Science Program: (1995-97)
      French-Hungarian Government, Balaton (1995-97, 2000-02, 2003-2006 and 2010-11)
      NATO (LST.CLG 975754): (1999-2000)
      Italian-Hungarian Government I 46/99 (2000-2003)
      NSF-OTKA (2000-2002)
      MTA-CNR (Italy) (2004-2009 and 2010-11)
      COST (CM 0902): (2009-2012)

Publikációs lista (frissítve 2012.01)
Publikációs lista + hivatkozások (frissítve 2012.06)

Dr. Tandori Júlia, Ph.D.

egyetemi adjunktus


Dr. Farkas EszterCím: Szegedi Tudományegyetem, ÁOK
         Orvosi Fizikai és Orvosi Informatikai Intézet
         6720 Szeged, Korányi fasor 9.
         Kis Oktatási Épület
Tel: +36 62 341-291 (12-91)
Belső mellék: 12-91
Fax: (36) (62) 544-566
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Szoba: II. emelet, 37
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