Meghívó az ESM 2025 nemzetközi konferenciára
Az MMVBT nevében szeretettel meghívjuk Önöket az Európai Mikrocirkulációs Társaság kétévente megrendezésre kerülő nemzetközi konferenciájára!
Időpont: 2025. május 19-22., Helyszín: József Attila Oktatási és Információs Központ, Szegedi Tudományegyetem, Szeged.
A nagy érdeklődésre számot tartó nyitó előadáson túl 6 plenáris előadással, 16 szimpóziummal és poszter szekciókkal várjuk az érdeklődő résztvevőket.
Szeretettel várjuk Önöket 2025-ben Szegeden!
Farkas Eszter
a konferencia elnöke
BMVBS 2024 Bristol
IVBM 2024
3rd Joint Meeting of the GfMVB and the SSMVR and the
36th Annual Meeting of the GfMVB
Münster (Germany) from 30 September – 02 October 2014
The online registration and the abstract submission for the 3rd Joint Meeting of the German Society for Microcirculation and Vascular Biology (GfMVB) and the Swiss Society for Microcirculation and Vascular Research (SSMVR) and the 36th Annual Meeting of the German Society for Microcirculation and Vascular Biology (GfMVB) is now possible.
Please follow the link http://www.microcirculation-
There will be sessions from the 30th of September to the 2nd of October with many highly qualified speakers and workshops with a limited number of participants (max. 4-6 persons/workshop) in advanced live cell imaging from the 29th to the 30th of September.
Vascular Biology 2014
Asilomar Conference Grounds, Monterey, CA
October 19, 2014, 7:15 p.m. to October 23, 2014, 12:00pm
The meeting will feature two workshops:
* Vascular Inflammation
* Developmental Vascular Biology and Genetics
and targeted symposia:
* Vascular Therapeutics Symposium
* Molecular Mechanisms Underlying the Vascular Disorder HHT Symposium
* Microcirculation (three symposia)
Abstract deadline is August 1, 2014
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11th International Symposium on Resistance Arteries (ISRA 2014)
from Molecular Machinery to Clinical Challenges
7th - 11th September 2014
Banff ~ Canada

The onsite accommodation reservation system is now open. There are limited rooms available onsite, and so we would like to encourage you to reserve as soon as possible if you are planning on attending this event.
ISRA 2014 registration abstract package
The Joint
28th European Society for Microcirculation (ESM)
8th European Vascular Biology Organisation (EVBO)
June 3–6, 2015
Pisa Conference Center, PISA, ITALY

For Symposia proposals: June 30th, 2014
Abstracts submission: January 31st, 2015
First Announcement
Meeting website: http://www.esm-evbo2015.it/