Servier Award in Microcirculation
Dear Members of ESM,
It is our great pleasure to announce the Servier Award for Microcirculation, which will be given at the ESM-EVBO Congress, Geneva 2017.
Servier, with the European Society for Microcirculation (ESM), is offering a research award: the Servier Award in Microcirculation.
A € 4000 grant is offered every 2 years for an outstanding clinical or basic research publication in the fields of microcirculation and vascular biology. The call for applications is advertised on the ESM and the Conference websites.
The 2015 Servier Award in Microcirculation was presented to Claudia Nussbaum (Munich, Germany) and Sarah Bannenberg (Essen, Germany) who received the prize during the 28th European Society for Microcirculation Congress in Pisa (Italy), June 2015.
The next prize will be awarded during the 29th European Society for Microcirculation Congress in Geneva (Switzerland), May 29-June 1, 2017.
Applications should be submitted no later than March 5, 2017, and sent to Akos Koller
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Sincerely yours,
Prof. Akos Koller
ESM Secretary General