Informatics Practice (KIT3801G-ENG)

Faculty of Health Sciences and Social Studies, 2020/2021
1st semester


Practice: 2 lessons per two weeks
Course code: KIT3801G-ENG
Form of examination: 5 degree practical mark
Year/semester: 1st year, 1st semester
Credits: 2


The aim of the practical sessions is to acquire the abilities of computer communication and the evaluation of medical-biological data while solving individual tasks. The exercises provide background knowledge on the generation and interpretation, storage and evaluation of measurement data.

After completing the course, the student will acquire practical basic knowledge from information technology knowledge in health systems. The student will be able to organize, process and represent biomedical data.





Knows the types of health data (visual and textual), the ways in which they are stored, displayed and processed..

Able to make statistical analyzes and graphs of basic health data in a spreadsheet application and use them for analysis, essays and lectures..

He / she knows the computer processing of health data and the security rules of data management.

Manages patient data with competence and responsibility.


Evaluation of the acquisition of expected learning outcomes:

The prerequisites for signing the exercises are attending them and writing at least a sufficient level of end-of-semester paper.

Practices can be made by students on their own with tutorials and e-learning materials uploaded to Coospace.

In all cases, the absence shall be certified in accordance with faculty and university regulations.

At the end of the semester, students will have to complete a closed-term paper containing practical assignments. A maximum of 100 points can be gotten when writing it.

Retake is possible at the end of the semester if the load of the classrooms and the schedule of the students allow it, otherwise, it is possible to be done in the exam period.


The result of the class is calculated according to the following table:

• 0-50 points: failed (1)

• 51 to 62 points: passed (2)

• 63-75 points: satisfactory (3)

• 76-88 points: good (4)

• 89-100 points: excellent (5)



  1. General information, hardware and software environment of the practice, CooSpace
  2. Introduction to spreadsheets using MS Excel (input and import data, validation, references)
  3. Evaluation of health data with spreadsheets (data types, calculations, functions)
  4. Evaluation of health data with spreadsheets (logical functions, sorting, filtering, vertical lookup)
  5. Evaluation of health data with spreadsheets (special functions, basic statistics, charts)
  6. Evaluation of health data with spreadsheets (tables, regression, pivot table)
  7. Test