Prof Ferenc Bari awarded Fisher Lectureship in New Orleans

Prof Ferenc Bari, head of our department, received the twenty-first annual James W Fisher Lectureship in Pharmacology from the Tulane University School of Medicine, New Orleans.

He accepted the award and gave his lecture entitled ‘Windows to the living brain: pathophysiology from imaging perspectives’ on 26th October.

Professor Fisher was head of the Department of Pharmacology at Tulane and his main field of research was the regulation of erythropoietin secretion by the kidney as well as the role of erythropoietin in cardiovascular regulation. In his department did the later Nobel laureate Louis Ignarro conduct his ground-breaking research on the physiological effects of nitrogen monoxide.

BariFerenc Fisher

During his visit at the Tulane University School of Medicine, professor Bari had extensive discussions with professor Lee Hamm, dean of the faculty, on the current problems of medical education and its accreditation, met PhD students in a dedicated seminar and had the opportunity to visit several research laboratories. He conferred with the heads of several departments (anatomy, physiology, pharmacology and primate).
