Information about distance learning
Dear Students,
Similar to the other departments at the University of Szeged, the Department of Medical Physics and Informatics introduces distance learning in all of our subjects from 23rd March 2020.
1. CooSpace remains the primary means of communication and exchange of educational materials Availability of other online tools will be announced at the specific scenes of the courses in CooSpace.
2. Our institute has chosen Microsoft Teams as an auxiliary online platform for sound- and video-based personal consultations. The University of Szeged provides access to Microsoft services through the eduID system (see attachment for the eduID registration and installation of Microsoft Teams software). Links for the groups (channels) will be announced in the CooSpace scenes of the corresponding groups and subjects.
3. Lectures will be replaced by text- or sound-annotated presentations. The access to these teaching materials will be announced at the corresponding CooSpace scene on the day before the scheduled lecture. The lecturer will be available online during the scheduled time of the lecture for consultation.
4. Distance learning of the laboratory practicals will be based on home work. The access to the necessary teaching materials will be announced in the CooSpace scene of the laboratory practical. Completion of each laboratory practical is certified by successful accomplishment of a CooSpace test and uploading the completed laboratory report file. The practical teacher will be available online during the scheduled time of the practice for consultation.
5. Distance learning of the seminars is organized according to the original schedule by using an online communication platform. The subject of the seminars will cover the materials of the previous lectures. The primary means of communication will be the corresponding CooSpace scene, complemented with access to an auxiliary online platform in Microsoft Teams. Completion of each seminar is certified by the successful accomplishment of a CooSpace test.
6. Further announcements for the details for examinations will be made available shortly. Collected bonus points are registered and will be taken into account at the examinations.
Our common aim is to successfully accomplish the semester for all courses by effective distance learning despite the considerable challenges posed by the coronavirus crisis. I thank you in advance for your cooperation and active contribution to reach the best knowledge transfer possible.
Dr. Ferenc Peták
Professor, Head of Department