academic year 2019/2020, 2nd semester
obligatory course
Year/semester: 1st year, 2nd semester
Lecture: 1 hours/ week, course code: GYTKKAM541, 1 credit
Practical/Seminar: 2 hours/ week, course code: GYTKKAM542, 1 credit
Prerequisites: succesful accomplishement of mathematics (GYTKKAM021, GYTKKAM022)
The subject is designed to give basic biostatistical knowledge commonly employed in medical research and to learn modelling and interpreting results of computer programs. The main purpose is to learn how to find the most appropriate method to describe and present their data and to find significant differences or associations in the data set. Descriptive statistical methods (calculation of mean and dispersion, preparing table of frequencies, bar charts and histograms); the principle of probability; statistical hypothesis testing, evaluation of simple statistical tests and interpretation of the results.
- Data description. Types of data, displaying data. Sample characteristics. (categorical and continuous variables, absolute and relative frequency, bar chart, pie chart, histogram; mean, median, mode, range, quartiles, variance, standard deviation, mean-error chart, box diagram). Population, statistical sample.
- The basics of probability theory I. The concept of probability, rules of probability calculus. Probability and odds. Statistical estimation, confidence interval. Odds ratio and 95% confidence interval.
- The basics of probability theory II. Conditional probability, 2x2 tables, diagnostic tests, measures of accuracy. The distribution of categorical variables, expected value and variance.
- Notable distributions: the binomial distribution. Continuous distributions: the normal distribution. Standardisation, formula of the binomial test as a special case of standardisation.
- The central limit theorem, the standard error of mean. Confidence interval for the population-mean. The use of Student’s t-table.
- Statistical inference, one-sample t-test. Significance test by confidence interval, t-statistics or p-value. The binomial test.
- T-tests (one-sample, paired, Student and Welch two-sample t-test )
- Statistical errors, one-and two tailed tests, analysis of variance (principle of one-way ANOVA, F-test, pairwise comparisons).
- Correlation-regression analysis. Hypothesis tests for the coefficient of correlation and regression. Regression using transformations.
- The chi-squared test for independence (assumptions, Fisher exact test)
- Nonparametric methods based on ranks (Wilcoxon-test, Mann-Whitney test, Kruskal-Wallis test, rank correlation)
- 2 by 2 tables in epidemiology (measuring agreement using Cohen-Kappa, relative risk, odds ratio)
- Survival analysis: life tables, Kaplan-Meier method.
- Summary
Attendance of the lectures is strongly recommended; downloading the lecture slides cannot substitute for the participation at the lecture.
Requirements for the successful completion of the course:
Condition to register to the course is the successful completion of the subject Mathematics.
The end-semester exam will be evaluated by a five-grade system. The result of the end-semester exam consists of two parts: converted point of the practical lessons and points of the end-semester exam.
1. Conversion of the points of practical to points of exam
Practical points (max. 100) |
Exam points (max. 10) |
0-50 | The practice is failed, the student cannot register to the exam. The result of the exam is failed (1) |
51-54 | 5 |
55-64 | 6 |
65-74 | 7 |
75-84 | 8 |
85-94 | 9 |
95- | 10 |
2. Students take a computer-aided multiple-choice test examination at the end of the semester based on the topics of theory and practice. Statistical software will not be used on the exam. Students have to sign up for the examination through the Neptun system. Repetition of examinations is according to the general regulations of the Study and the Examination Requirements of the University. At the examination a maximum of 20 points can be achieved. Point achieved on the exam (maximum 20 points).
Points achieved on the exam-test (points) | |
0-9 | Unsuccesfull exam, the result is failed (1) |
10-20 | Succesfull exam |
3. When both parts are completed, the points will be added and the final exam marks is calculated according to the following table:
Summary points | Mark |
0-14 | failed (1) |
15-18 | passed (2) |
19-22 | accepted (3) |
23-26 | good (4) |
27- | very good (5) |
Obligatory textbooks:
Students can download course material (handouts, lecture notes, R scripts) from or from the Coospace. Making notes at the lectures will help in preparing for the exam.
Suggested textbooks:
- Michael J. Campell – David Machin – Stephen J. Walters: Medical Statistics. A Textbook for the Health Sciences (2012) ISBN: 978-1-118-30061-9
- Internet resources:
- Khan Academy:
- Crash Course (Statistics):
- Rice Virtual Lab in Statistics:
- Reiczigel Jenő – Harnos Andrea – Solymosi Norbert: Biostatisztika nem statisztikusoknak (2014). Pars Kft. ISBN: 978-963-06-3736-7 (In Hungarian)
- E-learning (in Hungarian):