Handouts Research - Congresses

Congress attendance
(2013 - 2014)


COST ACTION TD1102 2nd Plenary workshop on photosynthetic proteins for technological applications: Biosensors and Biochips Istanbul, Turkey 9-11 April 2014

COST ACTION TD1102 2nd Plenary workshop on photosynthetic proteins for technological applications
Nagy László, Hajdu Kata, Szabó Tibor
Conference presentations:
[1] Nagy László, Rearction center optoelectronics in nano-hybride systems
[2] Hajdu Kata, Redox interaction in reaction center/porous silicon microcavities bio-nanocomposite
[3] Szabó Tibor, Photocurrent generated by photosynthetic reaction center based nanocomposites

Annual Meeting of the European Diabetes Epidemiology Group (EDEG), március 28 - április 1, Cagliari, Olaszorszag

Annual Meeting of the European Diabetes Epidemiology Group (EDEG)
Hulmán Ádám
Conference presentations:
[1] eloadas: Hulmán A, Cohort effects and changing distributions (EDEG 2014 Satellite symposium: Longitudinal analyses in epidemiological studies)
[1] poszter: Hulmán A, Brunner EJ, Witte DR, Færch K, Vistisen D, Ikehara S, Kivimäki M, Tabák AG, Trajectories of glycaemia, insulin sensitivity and insulin secretion in south Asians and whites before the diagnosis of type 2 diabetes: a longitudinal analysis from the Whitehall II study

Timisoara Medical Education days 2014. március 24-26.

Timisoara Medical Education days
Bari Ferenc
Conference presentations:
[1] How to promote academically gifted students during the medical curriculum


International Winterschool on Electronic Properties of Novel Materials 2014. March 8-15 Kirchberg/Tirol, Austria

International Winterschool on Electronic Properties of Novel Materials
Nagy László
Conference presentations:
László Nagy, Kata Hajdu, Szabolcs Torma, Emil Nyerki, Dóra Fejes, Klára Hernádi, Endre Horváth, Arnaud Magrez, László Forró: Photosynthetic reaction center/carbon nanotube bundle composites

Porous Semiconductors-Science and Technology, Alicante, Spain March 9-14, 2014

Porous Semiconductors-Science and Technology, Alicante
Hajdu Kata
Conference presentations:
Hajdu, K., Marquez, J., Zimányi, L., Gergely, C., Agarwal, V., Palestino, G., Nagy L. (2014) Redox interaction in RC/PSiMc bio-nanocomposite


XXVI. Neumann Kollokvium 2013. november 22-23.

XXVI. Neumann Kollokvium
Almási László, Jánosi János, Gergely István, Forczek Erzsébet, Bari Ferenc, Virág Katalin, Boda Krisztina, Nyári Tibor, Hulmán Ádám, Karsai János, Kerényi Zsuzsa, Nagy Attila, Tolnai József, Asztalos Tibor, Sz?cs Mónika, Szabó Andrea, Rárosi Ferenc, Varga Ákos, Mán Eszter
Conference presentations:
[1] Almási László, Jánosi János, Gergely István, Forczek Erzsébet, Bari Ferenc Informatikai felh? használata az egészségügyi informatika oktatásában az SZTE ÁOK Orvosi Fizikai és Orvos Informatikai Intézetében
[2] Virág Katalin, Boda Krisztina, Nyári Tibor Ritka események el?fordulási gyakoriságának elemzése regressziós módszerekkel–Különböz? statisztikai szoftverek összehasonlítása
[3] Hulmán Ádám, Karsai János, Kerényi Zsuzsa Predikciós modell és kockázati kalkulátor magzati makroszómia el?rejelzésére
[4] Nagy Attila, Tolnai József, Asztalos Tibor, Almási László Háromnyelv? informatikai és orvosi fizikai oktatási rendszer kialakítása a hallgatói kabinetekben
[5] Sz?cs Mónika, Szabó Andrea Medián letális dózis (LD50) becslése az "up – and - down" kísérleti eljárás esetén
[6] Rárosi Ferenc, Varga Ákos, Mán Eszter Akut appendicitis diagnosztizálását segít? módszerek statisztikai vizsgálata

Congress of Croatian Physiological Society and Regional Congress of the Physiological Societies - 2013.09.13-15

Congress of Croatian Physiological Society and Regional Congress of the Physiological Societies
Bari Ferenc, Institóris Ádám, Farkas Eszter, Kozák Gábor, Darren Clark
Conference presentations:
[1] Physiology of Aging (Chairs: Saboli?, Bari) (30min+5min discussion) Bari Ferenc (HU): Effects of ageing on peri-infarct depolarization and- related blood flow changes in rats with focal cerebral ischemia
[2] Effects of ageing on peri-infarct depolarization and- related blood flow changes in rats with focal cerebral ischemia Abstract
Bari Ferenc, Institóris Ádám, Farkas Eszter, Kozák Gábor, Darren Clark

The 15th COSBID meeting Innsbruck-2013.09.13-14

The 15th COSBID meeting Innsbruck
E. Farkas, Z. Bere, D.L. Clark, F. Bari 
Conference presentations:
[1] Multi-modal imaging of spreading depolarizations in rat models of cerebral ischemia E. Farkas, Z. Bere, D.L. Clark, F. Bari (Szeged, Hungary)

Annual Congress of the European Respiratory Society-2013.09.07-11

Annual Congress of the European Respiratory Society
Hantos Zoltán, Peták Ferenc, Czövek Dorottya, Radics Bence, Fodor Gergely, Csorba Zsófia
Conference presentations:
[1] Specificity and sensitivity of mannitol challenge testing for asthma in young adults from the Western Australian Pregnancy (Raine study) Cohort E. White, G. Hall, E. Hollams, N. DeKlerk, Z. Hantos, P. Holt (Perth, Australia; Szeged, Hungary)
[2] Changes in respiratory impedance during deep inspiration in healthy newborns B. Radics, Z. Gyurkovits, H. Szabo, H. Orvos, P. Sly, Z. Hantos (Szeged, Hungary; Brisbane, Australia)
[3] Within-breath changes of respiratory impedance in COPD and healthy adults A. Lorx, D. Bartusek, S. Szigeti, R. Stein-Udvardi, A. Bálint, J. Gál, G. Losonczy, P. Sly, Z. Hantos (Budapest, Szeged, Hungary; Brisbane, Australia)
[4] Aerosol deposition during acute bronchoconstriction studied by synchrotron radiation imaging in rabbits S. Bayat, L. Dégrugilliers, G. Albu, L. Porra, F. Petak, S. Strengell, P. Suortti, A. Sovijarvi, W. Habre (Amiens, France; Geneva, Switzerland; Helsinki, Finland; Szeged, Hungary)
[5] Sevoflurane improves lung function impairment induced by cardiopulmonary bypass in cardiac surgery patients Z. Csorba, F. Petak, G. Bogats, B. Babik (Szeged, Hungary)
[6] Respiratory consequences of fluid replacement with autologous blood or colloid solution after acute haemorrhage in rats F. Petak, D. Czovek, C. Doras, G. Fodor, S. Bayat, W. Habre, B. Babik (Szeged, Hungary; Geneva, Switzerland; Amiens, France)
[7] Changes in airway and lung tissue mechanics in aspiration-induced lung injury: Differentiation of direct and indirect mechanisms in a porcine model G. Fodor, B. Babik, D. Erces, A. Balogh, M. Balazs, F. Petak (Szeged, Hungary)
[8] The role of nitric oxide and cholinergic pathways in the cardiovascular and lung functional changes following chronic hypoxia D. Czövek, W. Habre, X. Belin, A. Baudat, Y. Donati, C. Barazzone, F. Peták (Szeged, Hungary; Geneva, Switzerland)

Magyar Stroke Társaság XI. konferenciája 2013.09.5-7

Magyar Stroke Társaság XI. konferenciája
Participants: Bari Ferenc, Tolnai József, Bankó Nóra, Forczek Erzsébet, Pribojszki Magda, Tóth Anna, László Anna, Kozák Gábor, Institóris Ádám, Farkas Eszter
Conference presentations:
[1] A STROKE-kal kapcsolatos magyar nyelv? internetes tájékoztatás-kihívások, tények, és megoldások 
Bari Ferenc, Tolnai József, Bankó Nóra, Forczek Erzsébet
[2] Internetes tájékozódás és STROKE-ra vonatkozó ismeretek fiatalok körében 
Pribojszki Magda, Tóth Anna, Forczek Erzsébet, Bari Ferenc 
[3] A STROKE-ra vonatkozó honlapok értékelése
Forczek Erzsébet, Tóth Anna, Tolnai József, Bari Ferenc 
[4] Az agykérgi mikrocirkulációs sebességprofilok változása multifokális kisérletes ischaemiában
László Anna, Kozák Gábor, Institóris Ádám, Farkas Eszter, Bari Ferenc

A Magyar Biofizikai Társaság XXIV. Kongresszusa Pannon Egyetem Veszprém-2013.08.27-30

A Magyar Biofizikai Társaság XXIV. Kongresszusa Pannon Egyetem Veszprém
Hajdu Kata, Magyar Melinda, Nagy László
Conference presentations:
[1] M. Magyar (2013) Stratégiák fotoszintetikus reakciócentrumok szén nanocsövekhez való kötéséhez, A magyar biofizikai társaság XXIV. Kongresszusa, augusztus 27-30., Veszprém
[2] T. Szabó, M. Magyar, K. Hajdu, B. Endr?di, Cs. Visy, E. Horváth, M. Arnaud, Zs. Szegletes, Gy. Váró, K. Hernádi, L. Forró, L. Nagy (2013) Fotoszintetikus reakciócentrum által keltett fotoáramok szén nanocs?/ITO nanorendszerekben, A Magyar Biofizikai Társaság XXIV. Kongresszusa, 2013. augusztus 27-30.,Veszprém
[3] A. Horváth, M. Magyar, B. Endr?di, K. Hajdu, Cs. Visy, E. Horváth, M. Arnaud, Zs. Szegletes, Gy. Váró, K. Hernádi, L. Forró, L. Nagy (2013) Szén nanocs?/torma-peroxidáz alapú hidrogén-peroxid bioszenzor, A Magyar Biofizikai Társaság XXIV. Kongresszusa, 2013. augusztus 27-30.,Veszprém
[4] P. Boldog, K. Hajdu, M. Magyar, É. Hideg, K. Hernádi, E. Horváth, M. Arnaud, L. Forró, L. Nagy (2013) Szinglett oxigén-kioltás szén nanocs?/fotoszintetikus reakciócentrum komplexben, A Magyar Biofizikai Társaság XXIV. Kongresszusa, 2013. augusztus 27-30.,Veszprém
[5] M. Dorogi, L. Petar, M. Magyar, K. Hernádi, E. Horváth, M. Arnaud, L. Forró, L. Nagy, Gy. Garab (2013) Fotoszintetikus reakciócentrum-szerkezet nanorendszerekben – amit a polarizációs spektroszkópiával látni lehet, A Magyar Biofizikai Társaság XXIV. Kongresszusa, 2013. augusztus 27-30.,Veszprém

XXII International Materials Research Congress (IMRC) 2013 Cancun, Mexico-2013.08.11-15

XXII International Materials Research Congress (IMRC) 2013 Cancun, Mexico
Hajdu Kata, Nagy László
Conference presentations:
[1] K. Hajdu, Márquez León J., Cloitre T., Martin M., Agarwal V., Nagy L., Palestino G., Gergely C., Zimányi L. (2013) Optical and electronic properties of biomolecule-functionalized porous silicon photonic structures, IMRC International Materials Research Congress, 11-15 August, Cancun, Mexico
[2] K. Hajdu, J. Márquez León, T. Cloitre, M. Martin, T. Szabó, V. Agarwal, G. Palestino, Cs. Gergely, L. Zimányi, L. Nagy (2013) Light energy conversion by photosynthetic reaction centre-hybrid nanostructures, IMRC International Materials Research Congress, 11-15 August Cancun, Mexico
[3] Ramarkrishnan S. K., Estephan E., Martin M., Cloitre T., Hajdu K., Nagy L., Zimányi L., Palestino G., Agarwal V., Gergely C. (2013) Comprehensive study on porous silicon microcavities’ functionalization with peptides for biosensing, IMRC International Materials Research Congress, 11-15. August, Cancun, Mexico

IUPS 2013-2013.07.21-26

IUPS 2013
Adam Institoris,Darren Clark, Farkas Eszter, Bari Ferenc
Conference presentations:
[1] Adam Institoris, Darren Clark, Gábor Kozák, Eszter Farkas, Ferenc Bari.: Aging and peri-infarct depolarizations during and after inschemia in rat

9th European Biophysics Congress EBSA Lisbon - 2013.07.13-17

Bionanotechnology - Recent Advances in Sesimbra, Portugal
Hajdu Kata, Magyar Melinda,Nagy László
Konferencia prezentációk:
[1] M. Magyar, T. Szabó, B. Endr?di, K. Hajdu, Cs. Visy, Zs. Szegletes, Gy. Váró, E. Horváth, A. Magrez, K. Hernádi, L. Forró, L. Nagy (2013) Photocurrents generated by photosynthetic reaction center protein/carbon nanotube/ITO bio-nanocomposite, 9th European Biophysics Congress, EBSA2013 13-17 July, Lisbon, Portugal
[2] K. Hajdu, T. Szabó, D. Fejes, M. Magyar, Zs. Szegletes, Gy. Váró, E. Horváth, A. Magrez, K. Hernádi, L. Forró, L. Nagy (2013) Carbon nanotube a functional matrix for bacterial photosynthetic reaction centers, 9th European Biophysics Congress, EBSA2013 13-17 July, Lisbon, Portugal

Bionanotechnology - Recent Advances in Sesimbra, Portugal - 2013.07.10-13

Bionanotechnology - Recent Advances in Sesimbra, Portugal
Hajdu Kata, Magyar Melinda
Conference presentations:
[1] K. Hajdu (2013) Nanotube as functional matrix for bacterial photosynthetic reaction centers, Bionanotechnology - Recent Advances, Satellite meeting to the 9th European Biophysics Congress EBSA2013, 10-13. July, Sesimbra, Portugal
[2] M. Magyar (2013) Photocurrent generated by photosynthetic reaction centers/carbon nanotube/ITO bio-nanocomposite, Bionanotechnology - Recent Advances, Satellite meeting to the 9th European Biophysics Congress EBSA2013, 10-13. July, Sesimbra, Portugal

Multimedia in Education 2013 - Košice, Slovakia - 2013.06.13-14

19th Multimedia in Education Conference
Szanyiné Forczek Erzsébet, Pribojszki Magda, Tóth Anna
Conference presentations:
[1] Forczek E., Tóth A., Pribojszki M., Bari F.: Információszervezési rés a webes tájékoztatásban
[2] Pribojszki M., László A., Tóth A., Forczek E., Bari F.: Stroke-related web queries and disease-specific general knowledge of Hungarian students
[3] Tóth A., László A., Pribojszki M., Forczek E., Bari F.: Evaluation of stroke-related Hungarian webpages

SNSF Valorisation Meeting 2013 - Szeged - 2013.06.05-08

SNSF Valorisation Meeting
Nagy László, Hajdu Kata, Magyar Melinda, Szabó Tibor
Conference presentations:
[1] László Nagy: Photosynthetic reaction centers in carbon nanotube based nanostructures
[2] Melinda Magyar: Strategies to bind redox proteins to nanosystem
[3] Kata Hajdu: Carbon nanotubes quench singlet oxygen generated by photosynthetic reaction centers
[4] Tibor Szabó: Photocurrents generated by photosynthetic reaction centers in carbon nanotube/ITO nanostructures

EDEG 2013 - Potsdam - 2013.04.13-16

The 48th Annual Meeting of the European Diabetes Epidemiology Group,13th
Nyári Tibor, Hulmán Ádám
Conference presentations:
[1] Hulmán A, Nyári TA, Karsai J, Vistisen D, Tabák AG, Kivimäki M, Brunner EJ, Witte DR
Effects of secular trends on age-related change in body mass index: the Whitehall II study

PHOTOTECH 2013 - Antwerp, Belgium - 2013.04.10-12

Photosynthetic proteins for technological applications: biosensors and biochips – First Plenary Workshop COST Action TD1102
Hajdu Kata, Magyar Melinda
Conference presentations:
[1] Kata Hajdu: Carbon nanotubes quench singlet oxygen generated by photosynthetic reaction centers 
[2] Melinda Magyar: Strategies to bind photosynthetic reaction centers to nano-systems

Beuth Hochschule für Technik - Berlin - 2013.04.08

Mathematisches Kolloquium, Beuth Hochschule für Technik
Hulmán Ádám
Conference presentations:
[1] Longitudinal data analysis with Mathematica 9 using RLink (seminar talk)

IWEPNM 2013 - Kirchberg, Austria - 2013.03.02-09

International Winterschool on Electronic Properties of Novel Materials
Nagy László, Hajdu Kata, Magyar Melinda, Szabó Tibor
Conference presentations:
[1] Peter Boldog, Eva Hideg, Kata Hajdu, Melinda Magyar, Klara Hernadi, Endre Horvath, Arnaud Magrez, Laszlo Forro, Laszlo Nagy: Carbon nanotubes are quenchers of singlet oxygen generated by photosynthetic reation centers
[2] Melinda Magyar, Levente Ivanov, Kata Hajdu, Klara Hernadi, Tibor Szabo, Endre Horvath, Arnaud Magrez, Laszlo Forro, Laszlo Nagy: Sensing hydrogen peroxide by carbon nanotube/horse radish peroxidase bio-nanocomposite
[3] Tibor Szabo, Melinda Magyar, Kata Hajdu, Balazs Endrodi, Csaba Visy, Endre Horvath, Arnaud Magrez, Zsolt Szegletes, Klara Hernadi, Laszlo Forro, Laszlo Nagy (2013) Photocurrent generated by photosynthetic rection centers bound to carbon nanotube/ITO layer structure


Congress attendance


MHT 2012 - Budapest - 2012.12.09-12

Magyar Hypertonia Társaság XX. Jubileumi Kongresszusa
Prof Bari Ferenc
Conference presentations:

[1] F. Bari: Az angiotenzin II cerebrovaszkuláris hatásai.

XXV. Neumann Kollokvium - Szeged - 2012.11.23-24

XXV. Neumann Kollokvium
Prof Bari Ferenc, Boda Krisztina, Nagy Attila, Forczek Erzsébet, Tóth Anna, Pribojszki Magda, Asztalos Tibor, Virág Katalin, Rárosi Ferenc, Hulmán Ádám, Nyári Tibor, Karsai János, Szûcs Mónika
Conference presentations:
[1] Bari Ferenc: Kihívások és megoldások az orvosi (egészségügyi) informatika oktatásában
[2] Nagy Attila, Jarabin János, Tanács Attila, Szakács László, Tóth Ferenc, Rovó László, Kiss József Géza: Képregisztráció és képszegmentálás a fül-orr-gégészetben
[3] Kiss József Géza, Nagy Attila, Jarabin János, Szakács László, Tóth Ferenc, Rovó László: Acusticus neurinoma vizsgálata objektív és szubjektív audiometriai módszerekkel, valamint számítógéppel segített 3d rekonstrukcióval
[4] Szakács László, Vass Gábor, Sztanó Balázs, Nagy Attila, Madani Shahram, Kiss József Géza, Rovó Lázsló: A hangréstágító mûtétek eredményeinek objektív vizsgálata számítógéppel segített 3d rekosntrukció segítségével
[5] Forczek Erzsébet, Tóth Anna, Pribojszki Magda, Bari Ferenc: A betegtájékoztatás és az orvosi informatika oktatása
[6] Almási László, Asztalos Tibor, Virág Katalin: Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) használata Excel környezetben az „Orvosi informatika” és az „Orvosi fizika és statisztika” tantárgyak oktatásában
[7] Boda Krisztina: Két mérési eljárás egyezésének vizsgálatára alkalmas statisztikai módszerek ismételt mérések esetén
[8] Rárosi Ferenc: Mintaelemszám becslése logisztikus regressziós modellben
[9] Hulmán Ádám, Nyári Tibor, Karsai János: Longitudinális adatok interaktív vizualizációja és elemzése nem-paraméteres módszerekkel
[10] Szûcs Mónika, Röst Gergely: Az emberről emberre terjedő madárinfluenza modellezése impulzív védőoltás alkalmazásával

ICMA 2012 - Timisoara - 2012.11.01-03

The XIII International Conference on Mathematics and Its Applications
Rárosi Ferenc, Szûcs Mónika
Conference presentations:

[1] F. Rárosi: Power estimation for logistic regression in embryo transfer data
[2] Mónika Szûcs, Tibor Nyári: Gastrointestinal cancer mortality in Hungary (1963-2009)
[3] Mónika Szûcs, Gergely Röst: Avian - human influenza epidemic model with pulse vaccination

UEG Week - Amsterdam - 2012.10.20-24

20th United European Gastroenterology Week
Szûcs Mónika
Conference presentations:

[1] K.Farkas, Z.Szepes, F.Nagy, M.Szûcs, T.Wittmann, T.Molnár: Long-term efficacy and safety of cyclosporine as a rescue therapy in acute, steroid-refractory severe ulcerative colitis
[2] É.Pallagi-Kunstár, K.Farkas, F.Nagy, Z.Szepes, R.Gyulai, R.Kui, M.Szûcs, T.Wittmann, T.Molnár: Clinical utility of measuring serum TNF-A level, ANTI TNF-A levels and antibody titers in critical situations in inflammatory bowel disease
[3] T.Molnár, K.Farkas, F.Nagy, M.Szûcs, Z.Szepes, T.Wittmann: Importance of diet inflammatory bowel disease - the patient’s view

ERS 2012 - Vienna - 2012.09.01-05

21th Annual Congress of the European Respiratory Society
Prof. Hantos Zoltán, Peták Ferenc, Czövek Dorottya, Radics Bence
Conference presentations:

[1] B. Radics, Z. Gyurkovits, H. Szabó, B. Maár, H. Orvos, P. Sly, Z. Hantos: Within-breath changes in respiratory impedance in healthy neonates.
[2] M. Szabari, J. Tolnai, B. Maár, H. Parameswaran, E. Bartolák-Suki, B. Suki, Z. Hantos: Lung structure and function in a rat model of emphysema.
[3] I. Malaspinas, A.L. Martin, A. Perrin, M. Beghetti, F. Petak, W. Habre: Changes in respiratory mechanics following surgical repair of mitral valve insufficiency in children.
[4] I. Malaspinas, L. Chok, M. Beghetti, W. Habre, F. Petak: The acute effect of surgical repair of mitral valve insufficiency on airway and respiratory tissue mechanics and pulmonary hemodynamics in children
[5] D. Czövek, Y. Donati, X. Belin, J.C. Pache, F. Petak, W. Habre: Prevention of hyperoxia-induced lung injury: Counterbalancing the deleterious effects of endothelin-1 in rat lungs.

ISCB33 2012 - Bergen, Norway - 2012.08.19-23

33rd Annual Conference of the International Society for Clinical Biostatistics
Boda Krisztina, Nyári Tibor
Conference presentations:

[1] Tibor Nyári and Krisztina Boda: Epidemiological modelling of risk factors of human papilloma virus in women with positive cytology in the county of Csongrád

CSM 2012 - Szeged - 2012.06.28-30

The Second Conference of PhD Students in Mathematics
Rárosi Ferenc
Conference presentations:

[1] Rárosi Ferenc, Kahán Zsuzsanna, Varga Zoltán, Gulyás Gergely, Boda Krisztina: Comparison of statistical classification methods in radiotherapy data

ATS 2012 - San Francisco - 2012.05.18-23

American Thoracic Society International Conference
Prof. Hantos Zoltán
Conference presentations:

[1] Z. Hantos, B. Radics, Z. Gyurkovits, H. Szabo, H. Orvos, P. Sly: Oscillation Mechanics Of The Respiratory System In Healthy Newborns.
[2] M.V. Szabari, J. Tolnai, B. Maar, H. Parameswaran, E. Bartolak-Suki, B. Suki, Z. Hantos: Lung Structure And Function Relation In Elastase-Treated Rats: A Long-Term Follow Up Study

75th Anniversary of Albert Szent-Györgyi’s Nobel Prize Award - Szeged - 2012.03.22-25

75th Anniversary of Albert Szent-Györgyi’s Nobel Prize Award
Rárosi Ferenc, Szûcs Mónika
Conference presentations:

[1] A.Farkas, F.Rarosi, M.Szûcs, D.Vincze, T.Forster, A.Varró, A.S. Farkas: An increase int he ’absolute’ beat-to beat variability and instability of the ECG intervals predicts dofetilide-induced torsades de pointes independently from the applied anaesthetic in rabbits, in vivo


Cross-Border Biostatistics Meeting - Szeged - 2011.11.04-05

Cross-Border Biostatistics Meeting (Applied Biostatistics in Life Sciences)
Boda Krisztina, Karsai János, László Anna, Rárosi Ferenc, Táncos Ervin
Conference presentations:
[1] Karsai J: Teaching Mathematics and Statistics in Sciences: Modeling and Computer-aided Approach
[2] Rárosi F: Breast radiotherapy using statistical models
[3] Boda K: Investigation of risk factors of respiratory complications in paediatric anaesthesia
[4] Táncos E, Kincses Zs T, Tóth E, Szabó N: Reproducibility of H-reflex measurements
[5] László A, Lin S M, Glant T: Practical workflow for microarray expression data analysis
[6] Virág K, Boda K, Tálosi Gy: Statistical evaluation of tonometric data of neonates using mixed model repeated measures ANOVA

Modelling in Life Sciences - Szeged - 2011.11.03

Modeling in Life Sciences (Interdisciplinary Conference)
Karsai János, Méri Ágnes
Conference presentations:
[1] János Karsai: Teaching Mathematics and Statistics in Sciences (Summary of the IPA project)
[2] Ágnes Méri: Spatial Modelling of the Dispersion and Host Finding Behaviour of Cuscuta Campestris

HMAA 2011 - Florida - 2011.10.28-11.02

43rd Annual Scientific Meeting Of Hungarian Medical Association Of America
Szabari Margit
Conference presentations:
[1] M. V. Szabari, J.  Tolnai, B. Maár, H. Parameswaran, E. Bartolák-Suki, B. Suki and Z. Hantos, Experimental emphysema in rats: Lung volumes respiratory mechanics and morphometry

Medicinska Informatika 2011 - Varazdin - 2011.10.21-22

Medicinska Informatika
Prof. Ferec Bari
Conference presentations:
[1] Ferenc BARI, Erzsebet FORCZEK, Zoltan HANTOS, Teaching Biomedical Informatics in 2011: Difficulties and Possible Solutions

ESM & GfMVB 2011 - Munich - 2011.10.13-16

Joint Meeting of the European Society for Microcirculation and the German Society of Microcirculation and Vascular Biology
Prof. Bari Ferenc
Conference presentations:
[1] Ferenc Bari: Characterization of multifocal cerebral ischemia-induced microvascular changes with multimodal imaging technique in the cerebral cortex of the rat
Chairs: Ferenc Bari (Szeged/HU), Christoph Becker (Munich/DE)
Martin J. Leahy: Microcirculation imaging with Laser Doppler, Laser Speckle, TiVi and beyond

BMES 2011 - Hartford - 2011.10.12-15

BMES 2011 Annual Meeting in Hartford
Szabari Margit
Conference presentations:
[1] M. V. Szabari, S. Sato, H. Parameswaran, E. Bartolák-Suki, Z. Hantos, and B. Suki: The effect of deep inspiration on lung elasticity and morphometry

Agria Media 2011 és az ICI-11 - Eger - 2011.10.11-12

Agria Media 2011 és az ICI-11, Jubileumi Információtechnikai és oktatástechnológiai konferencia és kiállítás
Prof. Bari Ferenc, Forczek Erzsébet, Tóth Anna, Pribojszki Magdolna
Conference presentations:
[1] Forczek Erzsébet, Tóth Anna, Pribojszki Magdolna, Prof. Bari Ferenc: A tájékoztatás a "nem formális" tanulás része
[2] Tóth Anna, Pribojszki Magdolna, Forczek Erzsébet, Prof. Bari Ferenc: Tájékozódás az interneten az agyvérzés témakörében

Magyar Stroke Társaság X. - Miskolc - 2011.09.29-10.01

A Magyar Stroke Társaság X. konferenciája
Prof. Bari Ferenc
Conference presentations:
[1] Lückl János, Jens P. Dreier, Szabados Tamás, Dirk Wiesenthal, Bari Ferenc, Joel H. Greenberg: A peri-infarktus áramlási tranziensek prediktív szerepe kísérletes fokális agyi ischemiában
[2] Institoris Ádám, Clark Darren, Domoki Ferenc, Bari Ferenc, David W. Busija: Érreakciók vizsgálata enyhe subarachnoideális vérzést követően inzulin rezisztens patkányban
[3] Bari Ferenc, Bere Zsófia, Kulmány Adrienn, Obrenovitch P. Tihomir, Farkas Eszter: Multifokális iszkémia által kiváltott agykérgi periinfarktus
depolarizációk jellemzése többkomponensű képalkotó eljárással patkányban

ERS2011 - Amsterdam - 2011.09.24-28

20th Annual Congress of the European Respiratory Society
Prof. Hantos Zoltán, Peták Ferenc, Tolnai József, Szabari Margit, Czövek Dorottya
Conference presentations:
[1] M. Szabari, S. Sato, H. Parameswaran, E. Bartolák-Suki, Z. Hantos, B. Suki: Acute exposure to mechanical forces deteriorates lung structure and function in a mouse model of emphysema.
[2] Z. Hantos, M. Szabari, J. Tolnai, B. Suki: Lung recruitment in normal and emphysematous rats during methacholine challenge.

ESP 2011 - Geneva, Switzerland - 2011.09.01-06

14th Congress of the European Society for Photobiology
Prof. Péter Maróti
Conference presentations:
[1] P Maróti, E. Asztalos, M..Kis, Z. Gingl and M. Trotta: Biomonitoring the environment by photosynthetic bacteria

EBSA Biophysics Course on Solar Energy - Szeged - 2011.08.27-31

EBSA Biophysics Course on Solar Energy,  Summer School
Prof. Péter Maróti
Conference presentations:
[1] Péter Maróti: Photosynthetic Reaction Center Protein at Work in Bacteria

EBSA 2011 - Budapest - 2011.08.23-27

8th EBSA European Biophysics Congress
Prof. Péter Maróti, László Nagy, Julia Tandori
Conference presentations:
[1] P.  Maróti and E. Asztalos: Relaxation of bacteriochlorophyll fluorescence in intact cells of photosynthetic bacteria, European Biophysics Journal with Biophysics Letters 40, S178
[2] E. Asztalos, Z. Gingl and P. Maróti: Field instrument for determination of the photosynthetic capacity of intact photosynthetic bacteria, European Biophysics Journal with Biophysics Letters 40, S174, P-512
[3] M. Kis, E. Asztalos, P.  Maróti: Ontogenesis of photosynthetic bacteria tracked by absorption and fluorescence kinetics, European Biophysics Journal with Biophysics Letters 40, S177, P-524
[4] L. Nagy, Á. Börzsönyi, K. Osvay, K. Nagy, Gy. Váró, P. Maróti, M. Terazima: Conformation changes after primary charge separation in photosynthetic reaction centers, European Biophysics Journal with Biophysics Letters 40, S179, P-529
[5] É. Hideg, F. Ayaydin, J. Tandori, T. Kálai, L. Kovács: Effects of singlet oxygen elicitors on plant leaves – are these all caused by ROS? European Biophysics Journal with Biophysics Letters 40, S176, P-519

ATS2011 - Denver, Colorado - 2011.05.13-18

American Thoracic Society International Conference
Prof. Hantos Zoltán, Tolnai József, Szabari Margit
Conference presentations:
[1] Airway Opening In Normal And Emphysematous Rats, J. Tolnai, Z. Hantos, M.V. Szabari, B. Maar, B. Suki
[2] Alveolar And Bronchial Morphometry In Emphysematous Rats, Z. Hantos, J. Tolnai, M.V. Szabari, B. Maar, B. Suki
[3] Stepwise Changes In Lung Function And Growth With Age In Mice, G.R. Zosky, K.A. Ramsey, L.J. Berry, A.N. Larcombe, P.D. Sly, Z. Hantos
[4] Effects Of Mechanical Stresses On The Structure-Function Relations During The Progression Of Elastase-Induced Emphysema, M.V. Szabari, S. Sato, H. Parameswaran, E. Bartolak-Suki, Z. Hantos, B. Suki

Congress attendance


ERS - Barcelona - 2010.09.18-22

19th Annual Congress of the European Respiratory Society
Participants (respiratory physiology research group):
Prof. Zoltán Hantos, Ferenc Peták, József Tolnai, Margit Szabari, Gergely Albu, Dorottya Czövek

[1] József Tolnai, Margit Szabari, Gergely Albu, Balázs Maár, and Zoltán Hantos: Impact of chest wall mechanics on total respiratory impedance in rats. Eur. Respir. J. 36 (Suppl. 54): 48s
[2] Margit Szabari, József Tolnai, Balázs Maár, Béla Suki, Zoltán Hantos: Follow-up of lung function impairment in elastase-treated rats. Eur. Respir. J. 36 (Suppl. 54): 48s

ISCB 2010

  31th Annual Conference of the International Society for Clinical Biostatistics, 29 August, 2 September 2010, Montpellier, France.
  Participant (Biostatistics research group):
  Boda, Krisztina

[1] Assessing agreement between two simultaneous measurements for in vivo tonometric study with multiple observations per individual; Boda K.,  Palágyi P., Boda D.
30th Annual Conference of the International Society for Clinical Biostatistics Montpellier France 29 August, 2 Sept 2010.P21.7, pp. 115.


2nd Congress of Physiological Sciences of Serbia with International Participation
Kragujevac, Serbia - September 17-20, 2009

2nd Congress of Physiological Sciences of Serbia with International Participation
Participant (cerebrovascularis research group):
Prof. Ferenc Bari

[1] Preconditioning the neurovascular unit - a new approach for neuroprotection; Ferenc Bari, Ferenc Domoki, Ádám Institóris, Gábor Lenzsér, David W. Busija (Szeged, Hungary; Winston-Salem, North Carolina, USA)

ERS - Vienna - September 12-16, 2009

19th Annual Congress of the European Respiratory Society
Participants (respiratory physiology research group):
Prof. Zoltán Hantos, Dr. Ferenc Peták, József Tolnai, Dr. Margit Szabari, Dr. Gergely Albu

[1] Volume dependence of broadband oscillatory mechanics of the respiratory system in health and COPD; Gergely Albu, Cindy Thamrin, Peter D. Sly, Zoltán Hantos (Szeged, Deszk, Hungary; Bern, Switzerland; Perth, Australia)
[2] Changes in lung function in a rat model of mild emphysema; József Tolnai, Margit Szabari, Gergely Albu, Krisztina Boda, Zoltán Hantos (Szeged, Hungary)
[3] Impact of elevated pulmonary blood flow and capillary pressure on lung responsiveness; Ferenc Petak, Tibor Janosi, Carole Myers, Fabienne Fontao, Walid Habre (Szeged, Hungary; Geneva, Switzerland;)
[4] Application of the forced oscillation technique to detect airway hyperresponsiveness in the early diagnosis of asthma in children; Ferenc Petak, Czovek Dorottya, Novak Zoltan (Szeged, Hungary)
[5] High tidal volume ventilation is not deleterious in infant rats exposed to severe hemorrhage; Vincenzo Cannizzaro, Luke Berry, Philip Nicholls, Zoltan Hantos, Peter Sly (Perth, WA, Australia; Zurich, Switzerland; Murdoch, WA, Australia; Szeged, Hungary)
[6] High peep produced more stable respiratory mechanics than recruitment maneuvers in an infant rat pneumonia model; Vincenzo Cannizzaro, Philip Nicholls, Luke Berry, Zoltan Hantos, Peter Sly (Perth, WA, Australia; Zurich, Switzerland; Murdoch, WA, Australia; Szeged, Hungary)
[7] Bronchodilator response in healthy adults assessed with the forced oscillation technique and spirometry; Ellie Oostveen, Chris van der Grinten, Alan James, Hans Nieland, Sally Young, Zoltan Hantos (Antwerp, Belgium; Maastricht, Netherlands; Perth, Australia; Enschede, Netherlands; Szeged, Hungary)
[8] Effects of hypoxia-induced chronic changes in pulmonary haemodynamics on the lung function and responsiveness in rats; Walid Habre, Janosi Tibor, Fabienne Fontao, Carole Meyers, Jean-Claude Pache, Ferenc Petak (Geneva, Switzerland; Szeged, Hungary)

ISCB – Prague, Czech Republic – August 23-27, 2009

30th Annual Conference of the International Society for Clinical Biostatistics
Participant (biostatistics research group):
Dr. Krisztina Boda

Brain ’09 – Chicago, USA – June 29 - July 03, 2009

XXIVth International Symposium on Cerebral Blood Flow, Metabolism and Function
Participants (cerebrovascularis research group):
Prof. Ferenc Bari, Dr. Ferenc Domoki, Dr. Eszter Farkas, Dr. Ádám Institóris

[1] Changes in nitric oxide synthase (NOS), cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) and superoxide dismutase (SOD) protein levels in chronic cerebral hypoperfusion in rats; Ádám Institóris, Éva Mracskó, Marietta Hugyecz, Adrienne Mátyás, Zoltán Süle, Eszter Farkas, Ferenc Bari (Szeged, Hungary)
[2] Evolution of cortical spreading depression is altered by aging and chronic cerebral hypoperfusion; Eszter Farkas, Laura Lenti, Lajos Kemény, Tihomir P. Obrenovitch, Ferenc Bari (Szeged, Hungary; Bradford, United Kingdom)
[3] Characterization of cortical blood flow (CoBF) responses with laser Doppler flowmetry in Zucker obese and Zucker lean rats; Ádám Institóris, Laura Lenti, Tamás Gáspár, Ferenc Domoki, Ferenc Bari, David W. Busija (Szeged, Hungary; Winston-Salem, North Carolina, USA)
[4] Rosuvastatin protects cultured cortical neurons against oxygen-glucose deprivation and glutamate excitotoxicity; Ferenc Domoki, Béla Kis, Tamás Gáspár, Ferenc Bari, J.A. Snipes, David W. Busija (Szeged, Hungary; Winston-Salem, North Carolina, USA)
[5] NS1619 induces immediate preconditioning in neurons against glutamate excitotoxicity via ROS generation but not BKCa channel activation; David W. Busija, Tamás Gáspár, Laura Lenti, Prasad Katakam, J.A. Snipes, Ferenc Domoki, Ferenc Bari (Winston-Salem, North Carolina, USA; Szeged, Hungary)
[6] Protective effects of PACAP and VIP on ischemia-sensitive vascular reactions of the neonatal brain; Ferenc Bari, Laura Lenti, Alíz Zimmermann, Dávid Kis, Orsolya Oláh, Gábor Tóth, David W. Busija, Ferenc Domoki (Szeged, Hungary; Winston-Salem, North Carolina, USA)

ATS - San Diego, California - May 15-20, 2009

American Thoracic Society International Conference
Participants (respiratory physiology research group):
Prof. Zoltán Hantos

[1] Broadband Oscillatory Mechanics of the Respiratory System in Tracheostomized COPD Patients, Z. Hantos, PhD,DSc, A. Lorx, MD, G. Albu, MD, C. Thamrin, PhD, P.D. Sly, MD,DSc, Perth, Australia, Budapest, Hungary, Switzerland
[2] Reference Values for Respiratory Impedance in Adults: A Five-Center Five-Setup Study, E. Oostveen, K. Boda, C. van der Grinten, A. James, H. Nieland, S. Young, Z. Hantos, Australia, Belgium, Hungary, The Netherlands
[3] Mechanisms of Altered Airway Mechanics Following Acute Cigarette Smoke Inhalation in Rabbits, S. Bayat, L. Porra, F. Petak, T.Z. Janosi, D. Bertrand, A. Sovijarvi, P. Suortti, H. Suhonen, S. Strengell, K. Neitola, M. Sipila, L. Laakso, Z. Hantos, W. Habre, Helsinki, Finland, Amiens, Grenoble, France, Szeged, Hungary, Geneva, Switzerland
[4] Effects of Different Ovalbumin Exposures on Airway Responsiveness and Bronchoalveolar Lavage Measured in Individual Rats, Z. Novak, MD, Ph.D, F. Petak, Ph.D, A. Banfi, MD, V. Toth-Szuki, E. Szekely, MD, Sc.D, F. Bari, Sc:D., Szeged, Budapest, Hungary

COSBID - Heidelberg, Germany - April 22-24, 2009

11th Meeting of the Cooperative Study On Brain Injury Depolarizations (COSBID) Group
Participant (cerebrovascularis research group):
Dr. Eszter Farkas

[1] Effect of aging, with or without chronic hypoperfusion, on potassium-induced cortical spreading depression (CSD) in rats; Eszter Farkas, Tihomir P. Obrenovitch (Szeged, Hungary; Bradford, United Kingdom)
[2] Dual imaging of cortical spreading depression and associated cerebral blood flow changes by combining voltage-sensitive dye and laser speckle contrast methods; Eszter Farkas, Shangbin Chen, Tihomir P. Obrenovitch (Bradford, United Kingdom; Wuhan, China; Szeged, Hungary)



ERS - Berlin - October 4-8, 2008

18th Annual Congress of the European Respiratory Society
Participants (respiratory physiology research group):
Prof. Hantos Zoltán, Peták Ferenc, Szabari Margit, Albu Gergely

[1] Broadband forced oscillations in healthy and COPD subjects: the impact of velum position; G. Albu, C. Thamrin, P. Sly, Z. Hantos (Szeged, Szeged-Deszk, Hungary; Bern, Switzerland; Perth/WA, Australia)
[2] Crackle sound vs pressure-volume curve in the monitoring of recruitment during TLC manoeuvres in ventilated patients; A. Lorx, M. Donga, Z. Hantos (Budapest, Szeged, Hungary)
[3] Increase in lung compliance and FRC but not residual volume in elastase-treated mice: a follow-up study; Z. Hantos, G. Albu, M. Szabari, A. Adamicza, B. Suki (Szeged, Hungary; Boston, MA, United States Of America)
[4] Bronchodilation following acute cigarette smoke exposure in rabbits assessed by forced oscillation technique and K-edge subtraction imaging; T. Janosi, F. Petak, L. Porra, S. Bayat, H. Suhonen, S. Strengell, K. Neitola, M. Sipilä, L. Laakso, P. Suortti, Z. Hantos, W. Habre, A. Sovijärvi (Geneva, Switzerland; Szeged, Hungary; Grenoble, Amiens, France; Helsinki, Finland)
[5] Acute increase in pulmonary blood flow elevates airway responsiveness in isolated perfused rat lungs; F. Petak, T. Janosi, F. Fontao, D. R. Morel, W. Habre (Szeged, Hungary; Geneva, Switzerland)

ATS - Toronto, Canada - May 16-21, 2008

American Thoracic Society International Conference
Participants (respiratory physiology research group):
Prof. Hantos Zoltán

[1] Dynamics of Bronchoconstriction Reflected by Broadband Respiratory Impedance in Rabbits, F. Petak, Ph.D., A. Adamicza, Ph.D., J. Tolnai, G. Albu, M.D., Z. Hantos, D.Sc., Szeged, Hungary
[2] Repeated Measurements of Functional Residual Capacity and Low-Frequency Respiratory Impedance Parameters in Mice, Z. Hantos, Ph.D., D.Sc., G. Albu, M.D., M. Szabari, M.D., A. Adamicza, Ph.D., Szeged, Hungary
[3] Feasibility of Broad-Band Forced Oscillations in Preschool Children, P.D. Sly, M.D., D.Sc., G.L. Hall, Ph.D., G. Nolan, M.Sc., Z. Hantos, Ph.D., D, Perth, Australia, Szeged, Hungary
[4] Measuring Lung Function in Mouse Models of Severe Lung Disease - A Cautionary Tale, G.R. Zosky, Ph.D., A.N. Larcombe, Ph.D., D.J. Turner, Ph.D., Z. Hantos, Ph.D., D, P.D. Sly, M.D., D., Perth, Australia, Szeged, Hungary

Lifestat - München - March 10-13, 2008

Statistics and Life Sciences: Perspectives and Challenges
Participant (biostatistics research group):
Dr. Tibor Nyári

[1] Screening for Chlamydia trachomatis in asymptomatic women in Hungary An epidemiological and cost-effectiveness analysis - Tibor Nyári, Szeged, Hungary