Publications in 2011
Journal articles
Hugyecz, M., Mracsko, E.,Hertelendy, P.,Farkas, E.,Domoki, F.,Bari, F.,
Hydrogen supplemented air inhalation reduces changes of prooxidant enzyme and gap junction protein levels after transient global cerebral ischemia in the rat hippocampus.
Brain Research, 2011. 1404: p. 31-38.
IF: 2.623
Bari, F., Bere, Zs,Kulmany, A.,Obrenovitch, T.,Farkas, E.,
Characterization of multifocal cerebral ischemia induced microvascular changes with multimodal imaging technique in the cerebral cortex of the rat.
Journal of Vascular Research, 2011. 48: p. 11-11.
IF: 2.752
Farkas, E., Obrenovitch, T. P., Institoris, A.,Bari, F.,
Effects of early aging and cerebral hypoperfusion on spreading depression in rats.
Neurobiology of Aging, 2011. 32(9): p. 1707-1715
IF: 6.634
Mracskó É, Hugyecz M, Farkas E, Domoki F, Bari F
Oxidatív hatások és hatékony antioxidáns terápiás beavatkozások kísérletes agyi ischaemiában
Vascularis Neurológia 3:25-33.
Institoris A, Snipes JA, Katakam PV, Domoki F, Boda K, Bari F, Busija DW.
Impaired vascular responses of insulin resistant rats after mild subarachnoid hemorrhage.
Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol. 2011 Mar 18.
IF: 3.881
Egerhazi, L., Geretovszky, Zs.,Szorenyi, T.,Bari, F.,
Homogeneous films by inverse pulsed laser deposition.
Applied Surface Science, 2011. 257(12): p. 5324-5327.
IF: 1.793
Forster M.; Egerhazi L.; Haselberger C.; et al.
Femtosecond laser interaction with pulsed-laser deposited carbon thin films of nanoscale thickness
IF: 1.765
Bari F, Forczek E, Hantos Z.
E-health in graduate and postgraduate medical education: illusions, expectations and reality.
Stud Health Technol Inform. 2011;165:21-7.
Bari F, Forczek E, Hantos Z
E-Health Resources in the Graduate and Postgraduate Medical Education in Hungary
Eur J Biom Inform 7:19-24 (2011)
Iványi B., Kemény É.,Ragó P., Lázár N., Boda K., Morvay Z.,Szenohradszky P., Szederkényi E.
Peritubular capillary basement membrane changes in chronic renal allograft rejection.
Virchows Arch 2011 Sep;459(3):321-30.
IF: 2.336
Kellermann P, Roth S, Gion K, Boda K, Tóth K.
Calcaneo-stop procedure for paediatric flexible flatfoot.
Arch Orthop Trauma Surg. 2011 May 19.
IF: 1.196
Varga Z, Cserháti A, Kelemen G, Boda K, Thurzó L, Kahán Z.
Role of Systemic Therapy in the Development of Lung Sequelae After Conformal Radiotherapy in Breast Cancer Patients.
Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys. 2011 May 5.
IF: 4.503
Myers CF, Fontao F, Jánosi TZ, Boda K, Peták F, Habre W.
Sevoflurane and desflurane protect cholinergic-induced bronchoconstriction of hyperreactive airways in rabbits.
Can J Anesth 58: 1007-15, 2011
IF: 2.180
Patocskai AT, Pákáski M, Vincze G, Fullajtár M, Szimjanovszki I, Boda K, Janka Z, Kálmán J.
Is there any difference between the findings of clock drawing tests if the clocks show different times?
Int J Geriatr Psychiatry. 2011 Apr;26(4):437-8. doi: 10.1002/gps.2501.
IF: 2.029
Borda B, Szederkényi E, Lengyel C, Morvay Z, Eller J, Marofka F, Szabó V, Takács T, Szenohradszky P, Hódi Z, Lázár G.
Functional and histopathologic changes in renal transplant patients with new-onset diabetes and dyslipidemia.
Transplant Proc. 2011 May;43(4):1254-8.
IF: 0.993
Battancs E., Gorzó I., Pál A., Novák T., Eller J., L. Kókai E., Radnai M.:
Terhes n?k szájhigiénés ismeretei, szokásai az ezredfordulón Délkelet-Magyarországon
Fogorvosi Szemle 104(3): 75-79, 2011.
Maráz A, Furák J, Pálföldi R, Eller J, Szántó E, Kahán Z, Thurzó L, Molnár J, Tiszlavicz L, Hideghéty K.
Roles of BCL-2 and MDR1 Expression in the Efficacy of Paclitaxel-based Lung Cancer Chemoradiation.
Anticancer Res. 2011 Apr;31(4):1431-6.
IF: 1.656
Forczek E.
Metadata and information structure design on websites – towards a web for all
International Journal of Knowledge and Web Intelligence (IJKWI), 2011 febr.
Lele EE, Hantos Z, Bitay M, Szívós B, Bogáts G, Peták F, Babik B.
Bronchoconstriction during alveolar hypocapnia and systemic hypercapnia in dogs with a cardiopulmonary bypass.
Respir Physiol Neurobiol. 2011 Jan 31;175(1):140-5. Epub 2010 Oct 27.
IF: 2.382
Cannizzaro V, Hantos Z, Sly PD, Zosky GR.
Linking lung function and inflammatory responses in ventilator-induced lung injury.
Am J Physiol Lung Cell Mol Physiol. 2011 Jan;300(1):L112-20. Epub 2010 Oct 15.
Hantos Z, Bates JH, Irvin CG, Lundblad LK, Sly PD.
Airway resistance: synonyms, surrogates, and precision.
Am J Physiol Lung Cell Mol Physiol. 2011 Mar;300(3):L506; author reply L507.
Kaczka DW, Lutchen KR, Hantos Z.
Emergent behavior of regional heterogeneity in the lung and its effects on respiratory impedance.
J Appl Physiol. 2011 May;110(5):1473-81. Epub 2011 Feb 3.
Jason H.T. Bates, Charles G. Irvin, Ramon Farré and Zoltán Hantos
Oscillation Mechanics of the Respiratory System.
Comprehensive Physiology (accepted 8 Dec, 2010)
Csupor D., Karsai J., Bognár J., Hohmann J.,
A mathematically optimized method for the quantification of isoflavones in dry soy extract containing products
Food Chemistry (to appear)
Karsai J.
Investigtions of Impulsive Systems with Mathematica
in Interesting Mathematical Problems in Sciences and Everyday Life, 2011, 2 pages,, ISBN 978-963-306-109-1
K Kopasz, P Makra and Z Gingl
Edaq530: a transparent, open-end and open-source measurement solution in natural science education
European Journal of Physics, vol 32, pp 491-504, 2011
IF: 0.757
Z Gingl, R Mingesz, P Makra and J Mellár
Review of sound card photogates
European Journal of Physics, vol 32, pp 905–924, 2011
IF: 0.757
Rudyk O, Makra P, Jansen E, Shattock MJ, Poston L, Taylor PD
Increased cardiovascular reactivity to acute stress and salt-loading in adult male offspring of fat fed non-obese rats
PLOS ONE, vol. 6, article number: e25250, 2011
IF: 4.411
Molnár T, Farkas K, Nyári T, Szepes Z, Nagy F, Wittmann T.
Long-term efficacy and safety of cyclosporine as a rescue therapy in acute, steroid-refractory severe ulcerative colitis: switching to infliximab is more effective than treating with concomitant immunomodulators.
J Clin Gastroenterol. 2011 Apr;45(4):380-1.
IF: 2.752
Molnár T, Farkas K, Nagy F, Szepes Z, Tiszlavicz L, Németh I, Nyári T, Wittmann T.
Does the endoscopic appearance of the ileocecal valve suggest the severity of Crohn's disease in the terminal ileum?
J Crohns Colitis. 2009 Dec;3(4):287-90. Epub 2009 Sep 3.
IF: 2.628
Molnár T, Farkas K, Nyári T, Szepes Z, Nagy F, Kiss T, Wittmann T.
Frequency and predictors of loss of response to biological therapy in Crohn's disease after one-year treatment period.
Orv Hetil. 2011 Jun 1;152(24):951-957.
Bak M, Konyár E, Schneider F, Bidlek M, Szabó E, Nyári T, Godény M, Kásler M.
The "gray zone" in organized mammography screening: histocytological correlations.
Orv Hetil. 2011 Feb 0;152(8):292-5.
Farkas K, Nagy F, Szepes Z, Nyári T, Wittmann T, Molnár T.
Risk factors for colectomy in ulcerative colitis patients with severe flare-up: some of the few things comparable between the US and Central Europe.
Inflamm Bowel Dis. 2011 Feb;17(2):E11-2.
IF: 4.613
Habre W, Albu G, Janosi TZ, Fontao F, von Ungern-Sternberg BS, Beghetti M, Peták F.
Prevention of bronchial hyperreactivity in a rat model of precapillary pulmonary hypertension.
Respir Res. 12(1):58, 2011.
IF: 2.859
Bayat S, Albu G, Layachi S, Portier F, Fathi M, Peták F, Habre W.
Acute hemorrhagic shock decreases airway resistance in anesthetized rat.
J Appl Physiol 111: 458-464, 2011.
IF: 4.232
Nikolényi A, Uhercsák G, Csenki M, Hamar S, Csörg? E, Tánczos E, Thurzó L, Brodowicz T, Wagnerova M, Kahán Z.
Tumour Topoisomerase II Alpha Protein Expression and Outcome After Adjuvant Dose-Dense Anthracycline-Based Chemotherapy.
Pathol Oncol Res. 2011 Jun 18. [Epub ahead of print]
IF: 1.483
Conference abstracts
Anna Laszlo, Simon M Lin, Tibor T Glant
Practical workflow for microarray expression data analysis.
2011-11-05, Szeged, Cross-Border Biostatistics Meeting Applied Biostatistics in Life Sciences– Joint Meeting of ISCB National Groups and IPA Cross-border Co-operation Program HU-SRB/0901/221/088.
Boda K., Boda D.,Palágyi P.
Egyezés mérése Bland-Altman módszerrel ismételt mérések esetén: tonometriás vizsgálat szimultán méréseinek összehasonlítása.
IX. Magyar Biometriai, Biomatematikai és Bioinformatikai Konferencia, 2011. július 1., Budapest
Boda K., Nyári T., Bari F.
Orvostanhallgatók új szemlélet? biostatisztika oktatásának egyéves tapasztalatai.
IX. Magyar Biometriai, Biomatematikai és Bioinformatikai Konferencia, 2011. július 1., Budapest
Boda K.
Investigation of risk factors of respiratory complications in paediatric anaesthesia.
Cross-Border Biostatistics Meeting, Szeged, November 4-5, 2011.
Boda K.
Az SPSS alkalmazásának tapasztalatai orvos- és gyógyszerészhallgatók biostatisztika oktatásában.
SPSS Nyári Iskola, Szeged, 2011. július 11-15.
Boda K.
Altatás során fellép? légúti komplikációk rizikófaktorainak megállapítása többváltozós modellezéssel.
SPSS Nyári Iskola, Szeged, 2011. július 11-15.
Boda K.
Some experiences using multivariate modeling methods en paediatric aneasthesia.
Mathematics and Computer-Aided Modeling in Sciences Intensive School –Novi Sad, 2011. 05.27.
Csorba Zs, Czövek D, Bogáts, G, Peták, F, Babik B.
The open chest condition provides improved gas exchange and respiratory mechanics in cardiac surgery patients.
Journal of Cardiothoracic and Vascular Anesthesia, Vol 25, No 3S : S20, 2011.
Csorba Zs, Czövek D, Bogáts, G, Peták, F, Babik B.
Sevoflurane diminishes lung function deterioration caused by cardiopulmonary bypass.
Journal of Cardiothoracic and Vascular Anesthesia, Vol 25, No 3S : S27, 2011.
Babik B, Csorba Zs, Czövek D, Mayr PN, Bogáts G, Peták, F.
Potential of dopamine to treat respiratory adverse events after cardiopulmonary bypass.
Journal of Cardiothoracic and Vascular Anesthesia, Vol 25, No 3S : S28, 2011.
Czovek D, Novak Z, Barati L, Banfi A, Peták F.
Effects of chronic allergen exposure on the airway hyperreactivity in sensitized rats.
Eur Respir J Vol 38, Suppl 55, 169s, 2011.
Laszlo Egerhazi; Zsolt Geretovszky; Ferenc Bari
Title: Thin film homogenization by inverse pulsed laser deposition
16th International School on Quantum Electronics - Laser Physics and Applications Location: Nessebar, BULGARIA Date: SEP 20-24, 2010
Graeme R. Zosky, Kathryn A. Ramsey, Luke J. Berry, Alexander N. Larcombe, Peter D. Sly, and Zoltan Hantos
Stepwise Changes In Lung Function And Growth With Age In Mice.
Am. J. Respir. Crit. Care Med., May 2011; 183: A2170.
Margit V. Szabari, Susumu Sato, Harikrishnan Parameswaran, Elizabeth Bartolak-Suki, Zoltan Hantos, and Bela Suki
Effects Of Mechanical Stresses On The Structure-Function Relations During The Progression Of Elastase-Induced Emphysema.
Am. J. Respir. Crit. Care Med., May 2011; 183: A2447.
Jozsef Tolnai, Margit V. Szabari, Zoltan Hantos, Balazs Maar, and Bela Suki
Airway Opening In Normal And Emphysematous Rats.
Am. J. Respir. Crit. Care Med., May 2011; 183: A2448.
Zoltan Hantos, Jozsef Tolnai, Margit V. Szabari, Balazs Maar, and Bela Suki
Alveolar And Bronchial Morphometry In Emphysematous Rats.
Am. J. Respir. Crit. Care Med., May 2011; 183: A2452.
Karsai J.
Study of modwls with discrete effects
7th Internat. Phd&Dla Syposium
Pécs, Oct. 24-25, 2011; Proc. page C70;
Karsai J.
Modeling the fight of species for territory with cellular automata
International GeoGebra Conference for Southeast Europe
January 15-16, Novi Sad, Serbia
Karsai J.
Study of dynamic systems with Mathematica
Spring School on Mathematics and Computer-Aided Modeling in Sciences
Szeged, May 19-26, 2011.
Karsai J.,
Some applications of impulsive systems
Spring School on Mathematics and Computer-Aided Modeling in Sciences
Novi Sad, May 27-29, 2011.
Karsai J.
Impulsive effects in real phenomena
Conference on dynamic geometry
Novi Sad, Oct. 29-30, 2011.
Karsai J.
Teaching Mathematics and Statistics in Sciences: Modeling and Computer-aided Approach
Applied Biostatistics in Life Sciences
Szeged, Nov. 4-5, 2011.
Peták F, Albu G, Lele E, Beghetti M , Habre W.
Prevention of adverse pulmonary consequences of myocardial ischaemia in rats.
Eur Respir J Vol 38, Suppl 55, 145s, 2011.
Bayat S, Degrugilliers L, Porra L, Albu G, Suhonen H, Strengell S , Fodor G, Peták F, Suortti P, Habre W, Sovijärvi A.
K-edge subtraction (KES) synchrotron imaging allows quantitative measurement of regional aerosol deposition, lung ventilation and airway morphology in rabbit.
Eur Respir J Vol 38, Suppl 55, 888-889s, 2011
Melinda Magyar , Kata Hajdu, Tibor Szabó, Klára Hernádi, András Dombi, Endre Horváth, Arnaud Magrez, Laszló Forró, Laszló Nagy
(2011) Long term stabilization of reaction center protein photochemistry by carbon nanotubes
25th International Winterschool on: Electronic Properties of Novel Materials: “Molecular nanostructures”,
Kirchberg, 26 February - 5 March, TUE54
Kata Hajdu, Tibor Szabó, Melinda Magyar, Gábor Bencsik, Zoltán Németh, Krisztina Nagy, Arnaud Magrez, László Forró, György Váró, Klára Hernádi, László Nagy
(2011) Photosynthetic reaction center protein in nano structures,
25th International Winterschool on: Electronic Properties of Novel Materials: “Molecular nanostructures”,
Kirchberg, 26 February - 5 March, THU13
Laszlo Nagy
(2011) Photosynthetic reaction center protein in nanostructures,
EuroNanoForum 2011, 30 May - 1 June, Budapest
Department of Medical Physics and Informatics, University of Szeged, Szeged, Hungary
L. Nagy, M. Magyar, K. Hajdu, K. Hernadi, E. Horvath, A. Magrez, K. Nagy, Gy. Varo, L. Forro
(2011) Photosynthetic reaction center/carbon nanotube hybrid nanostructures,
8th International Conference On Semiconductor Micro- & Nanoelectronics, July 1-3, 2011, Yerevan, Armenia
Publications in 2010
Publications in 2009