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Measurements in medical physics 2
2nd semester

obligatory course


Course title: Measurements in medical physics 2

Credits: 1

Course code: AOK-KUA510

Assessment: term mark

Laboratory practicals: 2 periods/2 weeks


These laboratory practicals offer models through which students can get acquainted with diagnostic methods in clinical practice. Students receive individual measurement tasks to introduce them to experimental work and the fundamental methods of data processing


Practicals are held every second week (alternating with the seminars of the course Medical physics). Attendance and active participation in the laboratory practicals are obligatory. Only students who have done all the practicals in the semester can get a grade.

Guides for the practicals are available on the homepage of the Institute (http://www2.szote.u-szeged.hu/dmi/eng/index.php/handouts) and in the CooSpace system. Students are obliged to prepare for the actual practical beforehand; if a student proves blatantly unprepared, the instructor has the right to refuse the student’s further participation and register the student as absent.

Students are also bound to handle the devices in the laboratory with care and according to protocol. Only students who have done all the practicals in the semester can get a grade.

Justified absence from the practical can be made up for either with another group (if the capacity of the room and the language of the actual class allow it) or at the make-up occasions in the last week of the semester, but no more than two practicals can be made up for in two separate occasions. In case of any missed practical at the end of the semester the course will not be accepted and needs to be repeated. Students with more than two absences will be automatically denied the completion of the course.

To check if students are prepared, we shall set a short test at the beginning of each laboratory practical. Laboratory practical tests will focus on the theoretical background of the current practical and the theoretical background of, as well as the practical observations made, experiences gained and tools used during ANY previous practical. A laboratory practical test consists of 3 questions. Each good answer is worth 1 point. Students will have to take a 10-point laboratory practical test at the end of the semester to prove that they have acquired the necessary practical skills.

The course is worth 1 credit. Assessment is in the form of a term mark. Only students who have done all practicals in the semesters (having made up for missed practicals, if there are any) and obtained at least a semester total of 10 points are eligible for a term mark. Failed (1) marks can be improved once per semester as a practical resit according to the Study and the Examination Requirements of the University.

Practical points are converted to marks as follows:

  • 0–9 practical points: failed (1)
  • 10–13 practical points: passed (2)
  • 14–17 practical points: accepted (3)
  • 18–21 practical points: good (4)
  • 22–25 practical points: excellent (5)


  1. Electrocardiography.
  2. The physical principles of spectroscopy.
  3. Introduction to nuclear medicine.
  4. Measurements with ultrasound.
  5. Tomographic image reconstruction.


  • Course handouts.